His tastes in music mirror my own (and he's more than six decades younger). Good to see young people appreciating vinyl.
Meet Lux, Age Nine, "King of the One Dollar Record Bins"
I contacted Lux's dad and asked if I might interview him via FaceTime and both father and son said "yes!". So this morning I spent some FaceTime with Lux that I'm sure you will enjoy watching despite the primitive nature of the video setup and the few audio glitches along the way.
So meet Lux, shown in the photo here uncharacteristically perusing the "luxury bins".
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Great interview.
This young fellow is lucky to have his parent's guidance and support, which is great and will produce benefits long into the future.
I remember buying my first album at the age of 10.
My collection was nowhere near Lux's, but the bug was there.
Of course, everyone will be at different levels of this hobby, but it's great to see someone so young getting enjoyment from his vinyl experience.

The video brought back great memories for me. My late mother bought me my first LP when I was 11 years of ago. I still have it all these years later. I have it framed in my music room. I never wavered in my love of vinyl, I never had a CD player in my system and never will. When CD came out I saw that it would take away my hobby of improving my hifi system the way I wanted to.
James, Dublin, Ireland

I should have mentioned that was all of 53 years ago!
James, Dublin, Ireland

I was very much the same at that age, spending my paper route money on records when I was 8 or 9. That was the mid 70s and I was buying music that was made for "adults" but resonated with me just the same. The Beatles in particular seem to appeal to kids, it's interesting that stills seems to be true. Michael's point about remembering where and when you got certain records is a really good one. A friend calls this kind of thing "making memories" and it applies to most of the worthwhile life experiences we pursue. That's how we know we're on the right track in life. Make good memories.

for another great interview! I'm going to pass it along

That brings back memories! From about five years old and onward, we used to go to E.J. Korvette and I used to go through my favorite artist bins in the music room. It was rare I bought anything. But in my teens, a local chain (Harmony House) was close enough to ride a bike to, and I was buying at least one 12" single per week, and the occasional album when they had a sale. Great times! And back then, I don't even think I knew that used record stores existed.
My daughter is a teen now and I am considering setting her up with a turntable. For the most part she dislikes any music her peers like (which her mother also plays in the car), and gravitates toward the better stuff. She would probably enjoy discovering music as I did, especially the dollar bins and sub-$5 selections. I'm thinking of getting some 70s era, reliable direct drive with a sturdy cartridge (like a Grado) to start things off, just like I had back in the day.
I've seen younger buyers at a local record store (late teens, early 20s) that you can tell are very serious about the music. In other words, they weren't hipsters buying records just so they can be seen owning them. One of the girls had engaged the store owner for recommendations and it was impressive to hear what she already owned.
I think vinyl really encourages the listening process, and it is great to see young 'uns (especially those like Lux!) getting into it the same way we did, decades ago!

There are few things as delightful as seeing the youngins get into vinyl records in this manner. I have a record swap meet I attend almost every month and there is this couple from Australia who bring their two daughters. I think aged 5 and 8. Anyway, they dig through the boxes both choosing for themselves and helping their parents. The older daughter even now has her own vinyl rig and a proper one I might add, not a child's one. Her dad introduced her to vinyl records and taught her how to care for them and her turntable. Way to go dad! The whole family is into listening to records, all different types, The kids like both the parents music and their own favorites. I always see them and stop to chat when I do. I give tips to their dad on selections and record care and gear as needed as well. Always a delight.

He looks like me going through the 29c singles bin at Arlans back in the day

Yes, reminds me of me back when I was a youngin going to the local five and dime to buy records with my allowance money. Yes, my parents did not like me spending my money on records either and were constantly on me about it, but I continued anyway, but never got into it as heavy as I do now days. My dad never cracked a record over my head though. Although it would explain a few things if he had done so. :)