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Shot of my left speaker in my man cave. My system also includes a Rega RP 8 turntable fitted with the Rega Apheta 2
Cartridge, Rega Aria Phono Pre-Amp, NAD Masters M12 Pre-Amplifier, with the NAD HDMI module installed, a Sony SCDXA5400ES SACD player with balanced audio connections from the Sony player to the NAD M12.
System also includes the SPL Phonitor 2 Headphone amp and the AKG K 812 headphones.
For movies and tv, everything is hooked up to my Sony 65" XBR led tv, and a Apple TV for streaming movies and music.

B&O BeoLab 18
Macbob713 | Feb 5, 2016
Views: 4697
Dimensions: 3264x2448
Size: 2022kb
Filed Under: Analog Gear