Congrats to you seth. I am a bit jealous of your luck right now. Hope you enjoy it.
Delos Cartridge Winner Announced
And the winner of the Lyra Delos cartridge sweepstakes is: (drum roll) Seth Mattison.
Poor Seth. You can see unhappiness written all over his face.
Thanks to everyone who entered and good luck in the upcoming sweeps!
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Congrats, man!
Submitted by myheroiscoltrane on Fri, 2012-10-05 03:21
Maybe it's time to go out and buy a new 'table for that bad boy, eh?

Submitted by Tubemaniac on Tue, 2012-10-09 12:24
I just installed a Delos on my Ittok II/Linn LP 12. It rides real close to the record surface so be prepared to watch it for dust sniglett collection. It replaced a Benz Micro Glider. It is much more detailed even with less than 10 hours on the cart than the BENZ. Waiting for it to get even better.
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.