I have the original table that was brought out by Bill Firebraugh back in the early eighties. There were some important mods made for it at the time, one being a heavy brass clamp that fit around the well that the arm "paddle" floats in. The stock well, which you have resonates and blurs the sound. You won't notice the difference until you get the mod, then the difference is quite noticable. Another nice mod is the Cardas copper tonearm wire. Akso, be sure to buy a new belt at least every two years. The belt stretches over time and it affects the speed accuracy of the table. You'll hear the difference if you've had your belt for awhile. You can still order new belts on line The Well Tempered Table is still going strong today. I love mine!

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Well-tempered Classic with upgraded motor, clamp, DIY modded platter, carbon mat, DIY upgraded arm wire and RCA connectors. Grado Platinum MC into Grado Phono stage and onto a Krell integrated amp and Pro-Ac Response 2.5 speakers.

My Analogue Rig
dbowker3d | Jun 14, 2012
Views: 11793
Dimensions: 3008x2000
Size: 1957kb
Filed Under: Analog Gear

I can say the hard work
Submitted by eliz920 on Fri, 2013-05-31 22:23
I can say the hard work you've so clearly devoted has been used properly.

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Submitted by un6660 on Fri, 2013-08-02 06:26
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