Not funny. I got food poisoning after eating a chopped liver sandwich (of all things) on Yom Kippur.
New York Audio Show Opens Friday September 25th Amid Concerns
The Brooklyn location immediately raised some eyebrows. Show sponsor The Chester Group said it was the best possible location since last year's Manhattan venue was unavailable. Chester Group defended the choice saying it is directly over the bridge and that Brooklyn is now home to dozens of new record stores (including the large Rough Trade store) and a young population that is now the targeted demographic.
Also problematic is that the dates fall in the middle of Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year, one of the two most holy holidays in the Jewish calendar.
The industry includes many Jewish retailers and manufacturers who were both surprised and offended by the chosen dates but again The Chester Group says it was the only weekend available to it at the hotel. Some retailers who participated last year will not this year. Secular Jews are likely to attend (yours truly included). If I'm struck by a bus or get food poisoning, you will know why.
Another issue for some in the industry is the close proximity to The Rocky Mountain Audio Festival, which begins in Denver, CO two short weeks later on October 9th.
Were that not enough, the forecast for New York's weather this weekend calls for gloriously sunny skies and temperatures around 80 degrees—probably the final summer-like weekend until next year. This extra bump in the road cannot be good news for show organizers.
When I write less than "rah rah sis boom bah" pre-show openers, or post-show closers, I often get angry emails from those involved, but my job is to report honestly not to act as a publicist. I'm just doing my job.
I've volunteered to do two turntable set-up seminars, one Saturday and one Sunday afternoon along with a late Friday one about the state of the "vinyl revival" with panelists Mat Weisfeld (VPI), Peter Ledermann (Sound-Smith), Chad Kassem (Acoustic Sounds/Analogue Productions/QRP pressing plant) and Stephen Mejias, former Stereophile assistant editor, reviewer and columnist, now working for Audioquest.
Hope to see you there! If you can't make it, look to for show coverage of all things analog.
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Scheduling during Jewish holidays in New York is idiotic. 2 weeks before Denver seems odd. What's better?
CES - January
Montreal - April 1
Chicago - May 1
Munich - mid May
THE Newport - June
Capital - July
Cal Audio Show - August
RMAF - October
How about February or early March? Catch East Coast buzz off of CES, where all the new stuff is announced. Be first of the year, get more attention.
On the other hand you've got weather risk. Maybe they could negotiate with T.H.E. It's a waste of good weather to have southern California in June.

Psst... the show opens September 26th, not 25th.

Michael: when you're hangin' with Ledermann, ask him when that Cartright is due to emerge! Enjoy the show.

For those of you new to the borough, Brooklyn has many great records stores including Coop-87, Captured Tracks, Record Grouch and Academy in Greenpoint, Human Head in Bushwick, and Rough Trade (new records only) in Williamsburg.

And Halcyon, in Dumbo, which I think is closer to the show than the ones you mentioned.

I went today. It was busy but not overcrowded. Very easy from Manhattan, took the F from work, the R back home. Many rooms worth visiting, Muraudio, VPI with Tannoy Westminsters, Care Audio, AudioNote, SoundSmith... We had a wonderful time, there was good music everywhere too and fruit infused cold water, very welcome.