I did receive one of the first pressings and it was most certainly due to the great review by MF.
The Turn First Pressing Sold Out
However, there is good news, he went on to say, " I have ordered a second pressing. It will be pressed at QRP, just like the first pressing. Everything will be the same, except it will not be numbered. I am pressing another 500 copies. They are on pre-order on my website. Delivery time should be about 6 weeks, maybe less, but it's not sure, so I put 6 to 8 weeks on my website, to be conservative."
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I've been listening to it a lot, it sounds fantastic, all four musicians are great. Particularly love both the playing of drummer Ted Poor as well as how his drums are recorded. Totally worth the cost no doubt about it.

I was lucky enough to get one of the mid numbers from the first run - what great artistry on all fronts! I hope your successful experiment in quality and affordability for vinyl brings dozens of deserving artists to our ears by way of great mastering and great pressings.

356/500 - - - in "heavy rotation" if I may borrow a phrase.

What's weird is that I ordered this long after it appeared the first pressing had sold out. I was just checking Jerome's website and there appeared an option to purchase a copy. I clicked on the PayPal option fully expecting disappointment but I was wrong! A bit later I received an email personally thanking me for my purchase and a few days later it arrived! Not looking a gift horse in the mouth so to speak. Digging the tunes as well!

In the previous post regarding this record, that he had several copies reserved for himself, but if an order was placed online he would ship from his personal stash.

I just want to clarify that the second pressing (limited to 500 copies) is on pre-order on my website at www.jeromesabbagh.com, for those of you who want to make sure to get a copy.
Jerome Sabbagh

Don't second guess yourself out of this fine album folks. Plunk down your coin. Worth every penny!

Actually, Amazon got a limited number of copies of the first pressing through Sunnyside (the record label). If they didn't send you the first pressing already, that means you ordered after they were out of it. FYI, there are no plans for them to be getting the second pressing. If you want to be sure to get it, please pre-order on my website. Thanks!
Jerome Sabbagh

I have a first issue of this 2 record set i will gladly sell, played once . Contact me if you are interested.

Jerome congrats on selling out of the first pressing!

Well, I actually pre-ordered it well before the LP was released, but apparently they did not receive enough to meet the back order demand. I will gladly cancel my order and get it directly from you!

Hi Barcoly
Thanks for that, is that to the U.S?
What about the UK? Or Canada, Montreal? Will be there soon

Sorry, made a mistake

Missed the first pressing, but I ordered up a copy of the second. Looking forward to it!
The order page says that the purchase includes an "uncompressed download." Is that a FLAC copy? How great would that be to have a copy for my Pono as well.

Just wanted to clarify that the uncompressed download is for wave files. Thanks!
Jerome Sabbagh