Michael Fremer  |  Jan 07, 2017  |  First Published: Jan 08, 2017  |  5 comments
First shown at CES 2016, the HRS VXR rack system is now in production and available for purchase. These are ultra-rigid, super-adjustable modular stands that are also very expensive.
Michael Fremer  |  Jan 07, 2017  |  27 comments
Mobile Fidelity, best known for its superb vinyl reissues is close to releasing two made in America turntables and a phono preamplifier.

Michael Fremer  |  Jan 06, 2017  |  17 comments
At CES 2017 Technics introduced a new SL-1200GR direct drive turntable priced at approximately half of the $4000 cost of the Sl-1200G introduced at CES 2016. It's expected to appear in stores over the coming summer

Michael Fremer  |  Jan 05, 2017  |  First Published: Jan 06, 2017  |  4 comments
Japan-based DS Audio introduced at CES 2017 its latest optical cartridge design, the DS002 at an attractive $5000 price point. The DS002 places the optical sensor in front of the elastomer suspension, which should produce faster response analogous to Audio-Technica's ART1000 cartridge that puts the coils on top of the stylus (not that there's really an comparison to be made between a coil and magnet based generator and one that uses an LED and optical shutter to generate a voltage).

 |  Jan 03, 2017  |  6 comments
The photo here is from C.E.S. 2005. C.E.S. 2017 coverage begins Thursday, January 6th. Editor Michael Fremer has been attending The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas since 1978, making this his 39th consecutive C.E.S.

Michael Fremer  |  Jan 03, 2017  |  10 comments
There was a period in '60s record history when you could buy "by the label" and pretty much be assured of a great listen. It was true of Elektra and later, after it got off its "high horse," Columbia, which for a while wouldn't touch rock.

Michael Fremer  |  Jan 03, 2017  |  29 comments
Gearbox Records, best known as a mastering studio equipped with a vintage tube-based cutting system, announces an innovative new turntable with built-in vacuum tube-based phono preamp and auto-Bluetooth streaming.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 29, 2016  |  14 comments
This is the first Roy Orbison collection that includes material from all of Roy's excellent recorded adventures. There are twenty six tunes in all, culled from Sun, Monument, MGM, Virgin and The Traveling Wilburys.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 28, 2016  |  16 comments
My visit to Wilson Audio Specialties in Provo, Utah this past December 13th to hear Dave Wilson's just announced WAMM Master Chronosonic Loudspeaker took a quick detour to the factory, where I was given an unexpected official tour by Wilson's Director of Marketing, John Giolas.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 27, 2016  |  8 comments
After receiving a tip and covering the modular, stackable and reasonably priced record storage racks from Tony's Woodshop I bit and bought a dozen.
