Michael Fremer  |  Feb 22, 2017  |  8 comments
The orchestra rehearses downstairs while upstairs the mastering room engineers record and play back a test lacquer.

Finally, it's time for a recorded take of the "Carmen" excerpts with Mezzo-Soprano Rosie Middleton. The tension is palpable in both the control room and upstairs. It's quickly clear that the free-spirited rehearsal has given way to a darker, more constrained performance that satisfies no one, especially Ms. Middleton.

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 21, 2017  |  10 comments
s promised, I printed out the names of all of the AnalogPlanet readers interested in accompanying
Michael Fremer  |  Feb 21, 2017  |  10 comments
Chasing the Dragon record producer Mike Valentine’s business is underwater but he’s not complaining.

The reknowned underwater cinematographer’s work can be seen in James Bond movies like “Casino Royale” and “Skyfall” as well as in “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace”, “The Bourne Ultimatum” and dozens of other movies, television series and music videos.

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 21, 2017  |  4 comments
Today (Tuesday, Feb. 21st) is the final day for entries into the +1 "competition". So this afternoon I will have to choose one of the following unless a late entry appears:

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 20, 2017  |  5 comments
President's Day seemed like the ideal day for a "funny music" show, so do your patriotic duty and listen and hopefully laugh at it all.

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 18, 2017  |  26 comments
What goes into a Rega drive belt? What does Rega have planned for the new Planar 6? What about the Naiad— upcoming "ultimate Rega" turntable? What does it look like?

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 17, 2017  |  18 comments
I have a +1 invitation to the grand opening party at Third Man Records' Detroit pressing plant for Friday February 24th at 8 PM. Want to join me?

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 16, 2017  |  12 comments
In this "episode" you will see that Rega's dedication to quality control extends from the top of the line P10 to the very bottom P1.

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 16, 2017  |  4 comments
In this segment we see electronics being "soak tested", see tone arm wiring looms being produced and watch how even the least expensive P1 arm is carefully hand-assembled.

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 15, 2017  |  3 comments
Here's Part 2 of the Rega Research tour conducted February 6th and 7th 2017.
