Furutech introduced at CES 2015 a MK III version of its effective de-stat brush made of goat hair and Corona discharge fibers. The new version features a Rhodium coated metal grounding sleeve that improves conductivity.
CES coverage will continue, but first this: the daughter of a west coast record producer who had amassed a large vinyl collection she'd inherited and wished to sell contacted me last year asking how best to do it.
Vana Ltd. now distributes the E.A.T. (European Audio Team) turntables and electronics. The company was founded more than ten years ago by Jozefina Krahulcova (now Lichtenegger) to produce and distribute vacuum tubes.
While PBN still offers its curvaceous version of VPI's Classic Direct Drive turntable, designer Peter Noerbaek's current obsession is buying up vintage Denon DP-2000, 3000, 6000 and 80 direct drive turntables and completely rebuilding them.
Allen Perkins, one of analog audio's most talented designers, walked me through a second generation prototype of the new Spiral Groove Revolution turntable that he says represents, with but a few minor changes, the production version that will soon be in production and for sale.
Rega's current "top of the line" RP10 features the RP8's "skeletal" frame but ups just about everything else. It features a ceramic platter similar to the P9's as well as an aluminum alloy sub-platter and pulley, a new iteration of Rega's venerable cast tonearm and an upgraded power supply that allows for speed adjustment.
The lineage of this cartridge was explained to me over dinner by Lyra cartridge designer Jonathan Carr, but due to Sake the details escape me. As i remember the conversation, the Miyabi's fate was sealed when the designer retired some years ago.