Michael Fremer  |  Jun 30, 2017  |  24 comments
AnalogPlanet asked the question Should You Buy a MM Only Phono Preamp If you are using a MM cartridge? and then provided readers with capsules of 8 phono preamps followed by 8 unidentified 96k/24 bit files, asking readers to listen and vote "blind".

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 30, 2017  |  9 comments
Mobile Fidelity's long-awaited line of analog-related electronics, turntables and cartridges announced some time ago and shown at various consumer and trade shows is now available.

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 30, 2017  |  12 comments
VPI Industries announced on June 29th the new $900 Cliffwood turntable, named for the New Jersey town in which VPI has been headquartered for the past 30 years.

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 29, 2017  |  4 comments
Admittedly, wireless speakers are not AnalogPlanet's "beat", but portable music is everyone's so a few years ago when RIVA launched a series of Bluetooth speakers and showed up at the old Newport Show to demo them for fussy audiophiles, we took note.

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 29, 2017  |  17 comments
I read the news today, oh boy! Sony, Japan is getting back into the business of cutting and perhaps pressing records after having "walkman"ed away for the past thirty years.

Here's the story posted by NPR.

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 28, 2017  |  10 comments
After last May's High End Munich show, Pro-Ject founder and CEO Heinz Lichtenegger invited international distributors attending the show to visit the company's brand new high-tech "green" logistics center outside of Vienna. They also toured the original Pro-Ject factory in Litovel, Czech Republic as well as the brand new factory down the road.

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 27, 2017  |  25 comments
It's an age-old problem and a problem of old age— particularly in a cluttered listening room: you put the record on the turntable, put the jacket down and then forget where you put it. Has that ever happened to you?

Koeppel Design, maker of neat record dividers and the snazziest LP carrying bag has the solution with its new LP Block.

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 27, 2017  |  1 comments
Elysian Masters today announced its new Los Angeles "vinyl lacquering studio".

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 27, 2017  |  2 comments
You've seen videos here of the world's largest audio show, "High End" Munich. Back in the 1990s, the show, held in Frankfurt's Kempinski Hotel, more closely resembled a sleepy American affair—as this vintage video demonstrates. It was a very "German" show at the time, musically and otherwise, though even then you'll hear "Take Five" and "Belafonte at Carnegie Hall". Today's High End show is an international affair.

Michael Fremer  |  Jun 26, 2017  |  3 comments
Charles Lloyd's young group, together but a year, played this set September 8th 1966 at the Monterey Jazz Festival, opening with the title tune—actually the two-in-one "Forest Flower-Sunrise" and "Forest Flower-Sunset", both lilting, hypnotic and mesmerizing "hippie-like" tunes that presaged in its mood the next year's "Summer of Love" Monterey Pop Festival.
