At Munich's High End Show 2013 Franc Kuzma showed prototypes of a new cartridge line that has now been introduced at AXPONA. Mounted on a 4 Point tone arm on the Kuzma Stabi XL turntable, the new mid-line CAR-40 ($2900) sounded great playing a "TRON" test pressing.
Switzerland-based Thales recently introduced "Easy", a new moderately-priced tangential pivoting tone arm, that importer AAudio Imports introduced at AXPONA.
VPI's new $999 Nomad made its audio show debut at AXPONA 2014. The 'table features a built-in headphone amplifier and MM phono preamplifier as a well as a new gimbal bearing tone arm.
Though the Sparta AXPONA demo unit was still a prototype, a company spokesperson claimed the unit was "a few weeks away" from going into full production.
Balanced Audio Technology introduced at AXPONA five new phono preamplifiers priced from $3500 to $12,500. The five models are variations on a theme starting at the bottom with the $3500 VK-P6 and ending at the top with the VK-12SE Superpak.
Friday at AXPONA appeared to be well attended. The event at the Westin O'Hare attracted a healthy demographic mix and excellent area dealer support —something last year's New York show failed to get, with most dealers preferring a parasitic show relationship.
In a truly just world every Jethro Tull fan would know and appreciate Rahsaan Roland Kirk but as with Muddy Waters and The Rolling Stones, these things take time. If you don't know Kirk's music and you're a Tull fan you surely know his "Serenade To A Cuckoo" covered by Ian Anderson on his debut Tull album This Was.