Acoustic Sounds Acquires, Commences Selling Disc Doctor Record Cleaning Products

Acoustic Sounds just announced the acquisition and re-introduction of Disc Doctor record cleaning products (cleaning fluids, applicator brushes, etc.), long considered by both consumers and professionals to be among the finest available.

Acoustic Sounds purchased the Disc Doctor (A/K/A Duane Goldman)'s name, formulas and manufacturing methodology and all associated equipment and moved it to Salina, Kansas some time ago but today the company made the announcement and is geared up to begin selling the products, all of which are said to be in every way identical to the originals. For the full story, directly from Mr. Goldman, the Disc Doctor himself, watch the video embedded below (do not click on the top of the page image):

Ortofan's picture

... peddlers of record cleaning products to wear a lab coat?

PAR's picture

...Mr. Goldman is very amusing about the lab coat. BTW I believe that Keith Monks may have been the first to wear one for publicity way back when. His son Jonathan certainly continues the "tradition".

Anyway it is great that the Disc Doctor products are available again. At least they actually work. I have been using them for over 20 years and although I now have a cavitation machine other cleaning methods still have their place from time to time.

One thing does concern me though and that is, being in the UK, I have to import the Disc Doctor products myself. Mr. Goldman always sent via USPS which is fine. However Acoustic Sounds use UPS ( or have in the past and I believe still do) and the fixed fee customs handling charge that UPS make is large enough to make the economic viability of the importation of reasonably low value items questionable.

volvic's picture

Ditto, my experience with UPS has always been negative, especially with custom fees. To this day I do not know why people use UPS. Still, glad that Disc Doctor is back, used to use their products in the 80's and always had good results.

Jim Tavegia's picture

May everyone prosper and the rest of us enjoy clean lps.