I hope they all get bought up by someone who will play them instead of just buying them for an investment.

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No, these are not Classic Records reissues. These are originals from the collection of the late and great analog purveyor Brooks Berdan.
RCA "Living Stereo" aficionados are now gasping for breath recognizing two of the greatest and most sought after RCAs: the original Reiner/CSO Also Sprach Zarathustra (LSC-1806) recorded in stereo in 1954 but not released until 1960 and Faust Ballet Music and Bizet's Carmen Suite (LSC-2449). Prices? $180 for the Reiner and as I remember it $450 for the Faust. Brooks's son Brian has learned well and is honoring his father's memory with great show set-ups. These records are a small part of the collection that's on sale at Berdan Audio's record store in Monrovia, CA.

What A Collection!
Michael Fremer | Jun 12, 2012
Views: 11939
Dimensions: 600x450
Size: 83kb
Filed Under: Show Reports: Domestic