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Michael Fremer  |  May 02, 2022  |  9 comments
The crowds rushed in on day 2. It was good to see pent up show demand express itself though it was still a somewhat tentative affair, with many no-show companies and retailers. Traffic was lighter on Sunday, which is normal. It's impossible for one person (me) to cover an entire show, even in 3 days and I ended up missing a few rooms with turntables and a few other rooms I'd meant to see. Fortunately Stereophile sent a full crew with specific assignments so please visit there for detailed show coverage especially non-turntable related.

Michael Fremer  |  Apr 28, 2022  |  24 comments
AXPONA 2022 was definitely a super show. Was it a super spreader? Time will tell. Few attendees were masked, proof of vaccination wasn’t required, and crowds mingled as in pre-Covid days. I came “locked and loaded” with antibodies from having had Covid a few weeks before the show, picked up during a visit to the U.K. for the launch of SME’s new Model 60. I had the worst possible Covid variant: OmicronMQA. You get Covid and it unfolds in your body measles and peyronie’s disease. I've since recovered and everything's been straightened out.