Rega RP1 Turntable and the Rega Fono Mini A2D USB Phono Preamplifier From Music Direct Sweepstakes
Get spinning vinyl in style with the Rega RP-1 turntable and the Rega Fono Mini A2D USB Phonostage. According to Music Direct, "this complete analog package gives you everything you need to play your records and transfer them into your computer."
Click here for more info.
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[This sweepstakes is now closed.]
Well, OK, pick me, for my daughter. It's for her, a newcomer to the wonderful world of analog...
Yes, I need one more Rega in my collection.
This is my favorite Band.
Feeling lucky
New site looks nice; adding to my favorites, now.
I love Rega~~~
The Rega is a beautiful TT. It would look really nice next to my Bottlehead Crack amplifier!
This would make a very nice father's day present!
Vinyl Long Live and continue to stay alive
Vinyl Long Live and continue to stay alive
Stay vinyl!
Winning this would put a smile on my face for months.
Haven't had a working turntable in over 20 years. I need the gear if only for the vinyl releases from Third Man Records.
I've never had any turntables or analog equipment. Poor student thing. But, I'd love to!!! :)
I wonder how these new Regas stack up against my Technics!
I wonder how these new Regas stack up against my Technics!
I got to demo one of these not long ago and was very impressed. Did not have the money to buy it but it would be amazing to win one!
would love to play some vinyl that i havn't heard in years, i bet this Rega combo would be magic to my ears.
This will be a wonderful addition to my AKAI AP002 (1976) turntable which I acquired just 4 months back.
Analog rocks!!
Hi Michael,
Congratulations to your new site.
Now yhat you have your own "playground" all for yourselve to play on and all of us analog afficionados to look at, maybe it's time to look at some serious gear from litle
Denmark..... Gryphon Legato Legacy -v- Vitus MP-P201 ......two big Danes.
Best regards from Copenhagen/Frederiksberg - Denmark
Asger Sigfusson
Sixteen years of analog, and I've never owned a Rega. A perfection introduction.
Good luck to me!
Count me in
Very nice set up! Good luck everyone!
It would be UNBELIEVABLE if i was the lucky winner ! Its always been a dream to own a REGA TT!
fingers crossed!
Man, this would be an awesome first turntable for me, plus it'd mean I'd have more money to spend on records and that's always a good thing..
And the Lucky Winner is.....
I'm very excited that your new site is up. I was always a reader of all your other work (and a viewer of interviews as well) and appreciate the passion you put into good audio quality--even in this digital age. I'm looking forward to all the new things that will be on the website and hope to refer friends here often. Thanks!
My teen son has set up a 2 channel system from my "spare parts" this past year, but needs a turntable to dive in to my album collection. This would work fine...
This one's been on my list anyway, so a win would be nice.
ooh ooh ooh!
I'd love to add this to my system.I'm looking forward to keeping up with Analog Planet.Good-luck Mikey!
this would be great!
[Proverbial hat tossed into virtual ring.]
I like the new page. Have it in my favorites now.
I'm excited about the new website. And, of course, a chance to win a Rega turntable.
A worthwhile addition to audio websites. I have already bookmarked this site.
This makes a nice quality combination to transfer music from analog records to portable digital formats. Rega equipment is well-designed and known for producing terrific sound at a fair price.
It would be wonderful to win this!
Good luck to all that enter the contest.
This would be an excellent introduction to vinyl for my daughter!
Crossing my fingers and looking forward to many great reviews here.
Need a new rig.
Great site! How to go Mikey!
Already learning a lot seaching the archives. Looking forward to learning much more.
I need a new table my misson 775 is making strange sounds
And I'd like to win a record player to enrich my life. ;-)
Oh my, this would be perfect for all my unplayed records!
this would be nice to replace my $30 craigslist table.
Mine! Mine! Mine! MIne!
Raising kids and paying for college not condusive to buying a great Rega table. Hope I get lucky here. My collection I started in the 60's would sound great on this!! win this stuff!
Put this in my favorites - I will be a regular visitor!
Would love the TT - looks like a reasonably complete setup to get stepdaughter fully initiated into the world of analog!
Count me in on the drawing. It will be interesting watching this site develop. Thanks!
Glad to see that MF will have his own presence here. He has done everything possible to keep vinyl alive and kicking. It has truly worked. The dream of making top notch vinyl in, of all places, Kansas, is alive.
good luck to me!!!
Cool new site and what a nice little competition... It would be nice winning!!! Good luck with the site i look forward to many hours of exiting reading...
cool, when can I pick up my winnings?
I'm in.
I would love to win this!
I've owned vinyl since 1964. yup, I'm old.
... for the new site and the opportunity to win this turntable! :-)
Give me dat gear!
Looking forward to reading and listening
Great idea and great way to grow our obsession, erm, hobby! Would love to slot the Rega combo into my vintage Sansui/Pioneer system - what a little gem. Congratulations on the site Mikey and get ready for a barrage of questions from newbies like me!
Would make a nice addition
Love the site! I would also love to win this!
Would be a nice present for a friend of mine with records but no turntable :-)
I have never heard a record player, but now would be a great time to start.
Very nice! Would love to get this into my system!
Great way for my kids to get into vinyl without screwing with MY turntable! ;)
The site is great. I enjoyed MusicAngle a lot, but the layout here is better. I look forward to checking this site out often.
This turntable would be a great update from the one I'm now using and would love to add it to my system. And if you're ever in Nebraska, I'll even let you stop by for a listen.
And a very nice present for my girlfriend that would be!
I love the site, and would love to win the sweepstakes!
awesome contest!
Would be awesome to win!
Looks like a Good beginner's Set
Sweet lil second system
The Rega will make an excellent first prize. However, Michael should offer his Continuum Audio Labs Caliburn with Cobra arm as a second prize.
This would be a nice upgrade from my meh table :)
This is a great way to start a new site.
At the end of my school year (Math) I teach a digital audio class and in it we compare the "sound" of various bit rates and we also compare all of those up to 24/96 to that of vinyl using records from the 60's to current ones of 180 gram virgin vinyl to let them hear what the possibilities can be. The RP-1 would be a nice addition and allow clean needle-drops in class.
Rega is the best little turntable, honestly would love to give this as a gift to my son for his first turntable. Good luck to everyone. But its Mine !! lol
Here's my entry. Thanks!
Yes, please!!
I am entering LP playback (analog)I need a serious quality analog
...she's got over 300 albums she hasn't listened to in over ten years!
This is a good website. I could use a new TT!
black beauty . i want her
Eyeing the RP1 for a while....but can't quite justify with the misses. Free would work, though. Good site. by the way.
Great contest and a great website
It'd be great to replace the old BSR TT I bought on craigslist last year.
Love the new website!
I'd love to give this to my daughter to introduce her to listening to vinyl rather than low-quality mp3's and aac's.
It would be cool to have another turntable to go along with my vintage Dual DD.
This page is now one of my favorites, long live vinyl.
Fantastic site! Thanks for keeping accurate and artistic music reproduction in people's minds in the midst of all this "noise" we hear on the pop scene these days!
Iv'e been away from vinyl for awhile but this sure would help me jump back in!
This will be ideal, I can have one table to listen. And the other for the dog, his taste is a bit different to mine. Also those paws tend to scratch the vinyl so getting them to digital will be perfect. Save a few who done it arguments.
Over the last 2 years I have built a system that I am very happy with. The only thing I am mising is a good turntable and phono preamp.... how perfect!
Thanks. Great new site!!
cat fur bounces right off of that turntable.
This would bring great joy to my little brother and my parents. My father has been aching for vinyl gear but just can't put up the money right now. Rega is a great company and I'd be thrilled to give him such a quality setup!
a new table, thanks
Leggo my eggo
It would be fun to play with this beautiful machine
My name is David. I live to win!
As a new vinyl convert, just started in January of this year, this site should be a great resource for me. Added to my favorites.
Yes please, I'll take it. Thank You.
Enough said...
Love to have it, and I will give it to my daughter!
We needed a site like this. Keep it growing Mickey
I really need this!!!
Would like to see how this compares to my mid-eighties P3!
Pick me!
Let the Rega be the golden ticket to the darkside of the melody!
Rega rules at budget friendly prices.
Looks like it`s gonna be a great site!
Would love this!
Love to have this table!
I got my love of vinyl from my father's massive record collection in the early seventies. Very interested in the Rega RP 1
I've got the site bookmarked! Will check regularly.
I know I'm new here but this would be something great to start me off with.
It would be great to play Mccartney's Ram mono album I just got.
This would do very well indeed! Great site, finally a haven for us analogue-philes!
a shot.
I've always wanted a rega...pick me!
All my vinyl is staring at me, bemused, at my lack of ability to play any of it...
I would love to get started with this
This would be a great place for me to start. I have been watching this video and dreaming some day I will have something like one of these guys. Look for Geek Audiophile on youtube.
And thanks!
It looks quite nice and I'd love to take care of this for awhile...
I was going through my super long list of bookmarks and I stumbled upon this site update. Super cool.
Would love to have a rega turntable!
will gladly accept!
I already own the P9, RB1000, n Exact, as well as BAT pream n phonostage, this would make an awesome gift for my brother to rescue him from the land of digital heresy!
What a great offer! I would love to be considered for the products.
I'm new to vinyl, but would love to get started with this and some nice tube amps.
Old tt broke, so just need new on!
... but just haven't pulled the trigger. This would be awesome!
I need to be rescued from a 31 year old Technics turntable!
spin the black circle!
Always wanted a Rega....
My poor old Dual just isn't what it once was. This turntable would make my LP's happy
. . . under the sign of techno-lumino-kinetic space and total spatio-dynamic theatre!
One of my kids would get the RP1 and i could use the phono stage to make copies for the car. Digital has its place...
Rega is tops; sign me up.
Rega is tops; sign me up.
I want that analog magic
I'd love to be entered. Great new site.