Those cabinets look rally nice. I have a simular setup, a complete set of Rack-it brand cabinets done by a Swedish guy (since retired) in San Francisco. Shows off the vinyl quite nicely, and is great looking. He was a good guy too, supported vinyl in his designs. His cabinets are very stable, my Music Hall table sounds good on that surface. I remember making trips back to his shop three times to complete or add to my storage capacity. In the same setup one could also hold DVD's or CD if wanted. Very flexible and modular system, really worth the money, and unlike most audiophile equipment not particularly expensive; a real great value.
Atocha Design Custom Cabinetry Takes A Different Turn on the High Quality Retro Road
The company offers a wide range of designs and it can also custom produce something to your needs and visual tastes.
Look behind and to the side of the cabinet and you can see the company's free-standing record display rack that lets you thumb through your collection while enjoying the cover art. Anyone who has moved a record collection knows that spine-based storage and display both shortchanges the art work and sometimes obscures what you really have.
When you see your records "head-on" it's like seeing a new collection! Even if you have a huge collection that makes impractical storing all of it this way, pulling out a few hundred and putting them on display makes a nice 'change of record scenery" for some of your vinyl or "pieces of vinyl" as Ba Ba Booey calls them.
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I like the design of this seems that it is a good quality. whatever the cost of this cabinet i'm sure it's all worth it. how to be a freelance writer

Whatever goes with my cup of tea, I'll surely get that no matter what and this cabinet really catched ny attention but Idon't have an amplifier yet. - James Stuckey