Ortofon 2M Black Phono Cartridge from Music Direct Sweepstakes
From Music Direct:
Music Direct is happy to offer a brand-new Ortofon 2M Black for one lucky subscriber to Michael Fremer’s Analog Planet. The flagship of the 2M line, the Black is absolutely one of the finest Moving Magnet cartridges ever built. The 2M Black has Ortofon’ s best Shibata stylus, which is usually found on much more expensive cartridges. It’s fast, dynamic, extremely well-detailed, yet supremely musical. A Music Direct best-seller, this $720 cartridge digs deep down into the grooves, playing parts of the groove no other stylus has ever reached. Good luck to all of you.
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The final step (and only step for those who already have an account) is to log in and leave a comment right here on this announcementany comment will do, as long as it's not profane or spam. Then, when the sweepstakes closes, a lucky commenter will be chosen at random to receive the prize. So post a comment, and good luck!
For complete sweepstakes rules, click here.
[This Sweepstakes is now closed.]
please, please, please.......
I promise to take good care of it
Wish me luck!
A much needed upgrade. I'm crossing my fingers.
Always wanted one of these.
I need it
All I do is Win Win Win....
this is the excuse I need to get a new table.
More carts for these sweepstakes!
Boy do I ever need a new cartridge like this one. I am particularily excited about the stylis being nice to my records!
They make the best bang for the buck
Yes, this cart would be lovely.
a roll of the dice can never abolish chance
One more time. Hope springs eternal.
Great work Mike. Thanks.
I'm in
I still play CDs occasionally.....I don't know why? The 2M Black may prevent me from doing that again!
give me some Orftron love....
Just like I always wanted!
I am new to vinyl I have had a rega rp3 for a year. My first vinyl purchase was from a guy on craiglists that had some vinyl for sale about a year ago. I consider my self a audioohile. All of my purchase the turntable was from my stereophile recommend 2012 list. I have a digital sub for the mag for a year also, reading your posts. I also have your turntable setup dvd also. I would to have the 2m black on my turntable.
this cart in my music hall.
Thanks to Analog Planet for once again having a great giveaway!!!
I'm in
This would make a great belated birthday present...
Sounds good
Read a lot of great reviews about the cartrige, so maybe...
Thank you very much.
Would love an ortofon
Oh, oh...please, oh, oh...pick me, please!
Gimme! Gimme!
I would love to hear this cartridge!
Looks lovely. Thanks.
fingers crossed
Would totally love this! Thanks for the great contests!
I will look forward to hearing this cartridge on my simple little Rega P25 table!
Would be awesome to hear the difference!
they have layers......
PICK ME !!!! PICK ME !!!! PICK ME !!!!
I would love to win the Orotofon. Thanks.
Thanks for the opportunity!
love to find out how it sounds!
This would be a fantastic upgrade for my system.
As Nietzsche says: "Be careful when you're fighting monsters not to become one yourself, and remember, if you peer into the abyss, the abyss will peer right back into you." [My translation]
This would be a nice complimet to my Rega P3 :)
thanks for the contest!
This would be great on my new turntable!
Please let the winner be me!!! What day will this happen so I can plan a vinyl listening party to audition my new cartridge!!!!!!! Can't wait!!
2M 2 me
I have the Project III turntable, and it told me it would like a nice, new, more expensve cartridge. You see, I keep telling everyone I have golden ears, and they don't believe me.
Lancelot Link, Private Eye: "Me-me.me.me.me.me"
I'm a fan
I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this.
Would love to have this!
for a new cartridge.
Perfect together...yes thank you.
Here we go! lets do this! Good luck everyone! and You'll make someone very happy with this :)
What can I say, I would love a 2M black.
This would be the perfect cart for the Garrard 301 I just refurbished!
Is it a replacement for my Technics SL-1300 cartridge?
Fingers crossed!
My turntable has become a source of turntrouble, so I could really use a new cart. Thanks, Analog Planet!
I've heard lots of good stuff about the 2M Black, woudl love to take one for a ride.
Wow, very generous of you.Thanks.Please enter me in the contest for the Ortofon cartridge.....
My cartridge is going bad...
Would love to hear this cartridge thru my Little Dot tube headphone amp and my Sennheiser HD-650's. Can not even imagine how great that would sound!
Please oh please!
Look forward to hearing.
...I recently purchased an entry level Rega tt from MusicDirect, I would love to swap out the stock cartridge with this one!!!
Thanks for this opportunity
Oh yes, this would be a fine addition for spinning vinyl.
Thanks for the opportunity. This is an outstanding cartridge.
I'd love to have a 2M Black!
The old Technics could use a new companion.
This might actually make me put away my 681EEE on my Thorens 145. Good luck to me!!!!
Highly recommended!
46 years. 7 turntables. Too many cartridges to remember. This would be the icing on a memorable vinyl cake.
I liked my kontrapunkt a - nice cartridge. Mine is a bit old but I may get the cantilever/stylus replaced
Have heard the 2M Black over the 2M Bronze, more detailed than the Bronze. The Black is best moving magnet cartridge I've heard. Also trumps the Blue Point No. 2 MC.
Thank you, sir, may I have another.
with the new turntable I need to buy.
Well, I suppose it's possible I could win
Me want
Of course it will look and sound good mounted on a REGA tonearm!
Stay Classy.
Heard so much about this cartridge, I would love to win it.
ok, maybe not love, but i would love to win this!!
Longtime want for me that I have wanted to try out. Sweet giveaway very nice of you to do so.
I would really appreciate having this cartridge !
I would really appreciate having this cartridge !
A friend has one, and it sounds great.
I would like to try that Ortofon on my VPI
Perfect match for my tt.
Ah what I would do for this cartridge!
I actually need this badly, it will make the Mile Davis that I bought at RSD 2013 sound even better!
Left comment, right comment is I need one of these.
I need a new Phono cartridge
I currently have a Shure cartrigde that would likely make the members of this board shudder... this would make my life!
Count me in! I'd love to win it.
Very cool idea from first rate folks!
this would look great on my new vpi scout 1.1
Thanks for the free cart.
This cart is made in my country...
So I can pick it up myself. ;-)
Please make the arrangements!
I'll cross my fingers!
Would love to win it!
This is the best prize I've seen in a while!
I would really like to win one of these.
Oh I need to win a new cartridge. My old one wore out playing Blondie LP's.
I'm back in ... for an Ortofon Black.
Great products and great service!
Would love this Cart on my Well Tempered table playing through my Homemade Phono Preamp!
This would be a fine addition to my analog based system! Would love to have it!
Me likee...
Recently bought the Bronze and am highly impressed. But I could be persuaded to mount the Black ... probably within seconds.
I've heard the Ortofon Black before ... countless hours. It needs a break-in time before the harshness subsides. It also matches well with smooth speakers (what the heck is "smooth") because of it's very revealing nature. I'd like to match it with a tube phono preamp! It's also great for symphonic music because it delineates all the instruments better than many other cartridges. I WILL ACCEPT THE PRIZE!
I just received a new Rega RP-1 turntable for fathers day and I sure could use this cartridge to sweeten up the sound...thanks for the opportunity to join. I have personally ordered several items from Music Direct and have an account with them..
Dan Graves
Thanks for the chance to win!
Please, let it be me
Oh man! I am sooooo ready for this one! I have the perfect deck and a BAT to run it with! PAAAAALLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My turntable is ready and waiting...
Love to compare this to my Red.
Thank you in advance
And have been lusting after this for last 18 months! But baby has needed shoes, please pick me :)
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
Gonna have to retire my 31 year old Grado Signature 8 after I win this Ortofon 2M.
Very nice! Feelin' lucky
I have an only MM phono stage so the Ortofon 2M Black should be a winner for me.
Me likes.
My girlfriend has a Black 2M cartridge and I'd love one too.
These days, I try to listen to as much analog formatted music as possible.
But 20 years ago music labels held a gun to my head, and I had a momentary lapse in judgement - I listened to 'D-word' formatted music.
I'm sorry... may the first all-analog listening person line up and throw the jewel case at me...
I will buy a new TT if I win this!
Give that OrtoFUN! 2 M(e!) ;-)
I just purchased a 2M Black and love it but I could use a spare to replace the stylus when it wears out.
Thank you,
thank you.
thank you.
May the most worthy listener win...
Yes. This would be great.
I'm as greedy as anybody man-jack here,but much less deserving.
One Ortofon Black.
I suppose I ought to get with it. Have over 20K vinyls.
Thanks for Ortofon 2M Black sweepstakes
Love to have one.
Count me in
Poor me, i will never win, i gotta be listening to each and every mp3 for all eternity!!!
It's mine!!