Would love to see this once released. And I know we're on Analog Planet now, but is the DAC by any chance the Weiss Medea+?
Gary "Baba Booey" Dell'Abate and Jon Hein Visited Today
Guess which sounded better (and I've got here now the best D/A converter I've ever heard).
When the listening was over they described on camera what they heard. Of course they heard it through a system clearly not in their listening experience (or mine, frankly—I've got the big Wilson XLFs here for review).
So what did they hear in the LP/CD comparisons (levels matched with an SPL meter)?
They heard what you hear!
Can't talk now about what's being done with the footage.
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This should be part of you next video. Hope you can point us to at least a teaser.

Sure hope this gets a shout out from Howard as I would guess a vast majority of his target audience is vinyl impaired so to speak.

Based on the comments to this article so far, it seems that there is more than a handful of audiophiles in Howard's army of fans. Since the Techno Beaver is an audfiophile himself, I hope he was impressed by your demo. Michael, I would love to see you interviewed by Howard one day.Thanks for the work you are putting in this wesite and for all the interesting information you share with your readers.

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