Dane Cook and Comedy Central Team to Release Vinyl Edition of Comedian's Platinum Selling Album

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release of comedian/actor Dane Cook's album Harmful If Swallowed, Comedy Central Records recently announced a limited edition vinyl version with exclusive new artwork. The one thousand copy edition went on sale earlier this month.

Why did Comedy Central do this? I have no idea. I can only guess someone at the channel, or Cook himself is a vinyl fan, or grew up listening to comedy records. I did. Nothing funnier than Woody Allen's or Lenny Bruce's albums or especially 2000 Years With Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks originally issued on World-Pacific Records, so perhaps Cook wants to complete the circle.

You can order the record on Amazon.com and maybe it will be delivered to you by drone.

Whether or not you find Cook funny, is a matter of comedic taste, but I definitely found funny the question posed by the publicist who emailed me the information. He asked "Need anything else from my end?"

I replied "First send me your picture." No I didn't, but to me that's funny.

Jim Tavegia's picture

without knowing it.  

 Michael your album could be next...at a store near you or me. Or not as you choose. 

Jody's picture

He was great as The Waffler in "Mystery Men".

Dpoggenburg's picture

I remember watching 30+ minutes of a Dane Cook "special" and was fascinated at how this guy could be playing in a sold out arena, to a wildly enthusiastic crowd, and during the time I watched NOT saying one single funny thing. I'm mystified as to his success, but then again, go figure Celine Dion, Kenny G, or in the comedy arena, Weird Al or Adam Sandler (who's only been any good in non-comedies like Punch Drunk Love).

There must be a crossroads somewhere where these people are cutting devilish deals...