The entire posting was fascinating.
Ortofon Announces 2M Mono Special Edition "Beatles Tribute" Cartridge
"The White cartridge" is not otherwise known as "The Beatles", nor does is the stylus a "top loader", nor are there any Beatles or Apple Corp logos on the cartridge—probably due to hesitancy on the part of one or both parties to get involved in a costly and time consuming licensing agreement.
However the press release does say the cartridge resulted from a cooperative effort between Universal Music Group and Ortofon.
The new cartridge has an output of 3.5mV, and is designed to track between 1.4-1.7 grams with 1.5 being optimal.
Most significantly the cartridge features a Shibata stylus capable of tracing every lateral nook and cranny groove inscription. Because there are no vertical modulations in a mono groove, VTA/SRA is not at all critical.
If you are connecting to a stereo phono preamp the usual 47kOhm 150-350pF loading is operative but via a mono connection Ortofon recommends a 23.5kOhm 300-600pF load.
The cartridge will be available only through Ortofon's website at the same time as the box set is introduced in early September. It will be reviewed here soon.
Ortofon says the new cartridge will cost ¢500 or around $677.
In other news, only half of the people reading Part 1 of "The Beatles Get Back to Mono and AAA Vinyl" read Part 2. Is that because it didn't interest you? Or did you not see the link? Let us know please.
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Can Ortofon send you a standard (non-SE) spherical stylus, as well, so you can compare it with the Shibata stylus of the SE version?

How important is it to have a mono cartridge?

Isn't this cartridge design only internally bridged for mono, and not a true mono design as per Lyra's mono offering?

...was not easily found when the article was first posted. There seemed to be a variety of links at the bottom of page 1 that led to photo galleries, but no additional link to page 2 once in the gallery. I noticed a short time later that the links at the bottom of page 1 were corrected and only a link to page 2 was present. Perhaps that brief link snafu was responsible.
And outstanding article, BTW! Hard to imagine that anyone would intentionally avoid page 2 (assuming they'd read page 1).

I really do like the idea, but it isn't practical for me. I wish I had a 2 arm table. I could get a second table, but instead would most likely throw the cash towards a better cartridge.

Posts should be one page, not two. Spreading one post in multiple pages stinks of click bait like those lame "slideshows" or "lists" found everywhere to increase number of clicks. If it's one story it should be on one page.

These are web pages not print. Nobody wants to click "next" to keep reading. Any well designed modern site would never split content (other than trying to increase clicks for advertising stats). Splitting pages is 1990's web design. It was done because internet connections were slow and large pages took too long to load. Fast internet is the norm now so splitting content isn't needed.
I love the content here and I read daily... But the site's design is straight out of the late 90's. Thankfully I do my reading in Feedly or Imstapaper where I don't actually see the site. But, I prefer well designed pages to using Feedly/Instapaper.

You asked why half the people weren't reading the second page... I gave you the probable answer.

I click to the second page of posts on this web site because I know Mickey and like the old dinosaur. :)
But yes, I hate clicking links to second pages of what could easily be on one page. I like to just scroll and read. And often when you click, something spammy comes up first.

A lot of people like reading longer articles like this using tools like Instapaper, which isn't going to grab the second page automatically. If you're really not doing it for the extra page view, and I believe you when you say you're not, then you really should make articles like this a single page. It's unintuitive from a modern web design standpoint.

For the all the great details. Very interesting indeed. Many thanks!

A mono cart to use with records cut with a stereo cutter head. Hmmm...

So, I might be one of a select few with this question, but,
I have a Weathers mono playback arm/cart/demodulator system from 1954. It has no vertical compliance.
Would it be safe to play such mono records with it? It is said to track at 1 gram.

I could go the rest of my life without another article about Beatles re-re-re-re-releases. There's a world of interesting stuff out there and people are still concerned about seeing if there is a shred of meat to pick off the dessicated carcass of the Beatles' catalog?

"In other news, only half of the people reading Part 1 of "The Beatles Get Back to Mono and AAA Vinyl" read Part 2. Is that because it didn't interest you? Or did you not see the link? Let us know please."
Don't ask for feedback if you're going to complain about the response. You asked if it didn't interest people. It didn't interest me, and I said so. I don't need you to give me a condescending explanation of how people still love the Beatles or might want a re-release of something. I normally enjoy your columns but good lord, lighten up Francis.

Is this special 2m a real mono cartridge or a stereo 2m internally strapped for mono ?

The rubber suspension on a V15 stylus assembly might have solidified over time--please check it before mounting. That is one reason I have never bought a NOS stylus for my V15VMR--I badly want to put it back into service, but can't find a NOS stylus I can trust. (I don't like the sound of that Jico/SAS.) I had my original VN5HE stylus stored away (albeit worn), and the cantilever was frozen solid. Snapped off the moment I tried The V15 Type V only came with the hyper-elliptical stylus when it was first released in 1982; it wasn't until a year or two later that the MicroRidge stylus cut was offered. That's my daily bit of Shure trivia... ;)

and if you think there are too many pieces on the Beatles and their re-issues why are you wasting your time reading and posting on one? Move along, get on with other things and don't waste our time reading about you bitching about it. Glad to see this stylus coming out and the conversation it started on the benefits of a dedicated mono stylus. Something I've debated for awhile and this cartridge fits a decent price point for me to experiment. Especially after picking up the VPI 3D arm and freeing up the original arm for just such a use.

I recently purchased a grado mono catridge. I have 3 turntables, a VPI Classic 2, a Linn Sondek with Lingo Power supply/well tempered tone arm and a Technics 1200. I put the grado mono cartidge in my technics headshell, and used it interchangeable with a plug and play stereo cartridge from Ortofon.
I bought the cartridge with the new Beatles mono vinyl set coming out in mind, but have been listening to a lot of mono editions of 1950s/1960s mercury's and RCA shaded dogs. Also, I have a few of the original USA Beatles vinyl in mono, along with an original British parlophone mono edition of Rubber Soul.
I'm finding that the mono catridge is a huge improvement fidelity wise, in particular with mono mercury recordings.None of my three preamps, a solid Marantz AV 7701, a Valve Amplification Company (VAC) Vintage line stage nor my Conrad Johnson PV10a have mono switches. I haven't tried using my mono cartridges in my other tables, as I don't have an extra arm wand for my VPI table, and cartridge chaning with the well tempered tone arm is a beast because the tonearm leads are so delicate.
But with the Technics, an admittedly lower end table, head shell switching is a breeze. It's just a matter of getting the stylus force changed to match the cartridge. I'm having a lot of fun digging out my old mono LPs in my collection. I'm noticing a lot less noise and more music, even though admittedly some of it isn't as quiet as with the belt driven motors of the VPI and Linn tables.

What are the differences between the standard 2m mono and this special edition?

Are the internals of the Ortofon Mono cartridge different from their standard 2M cartridges or is it just the stylus, or both?
Would be great if I could use my current 2M black body and just plug the 2M Mono stylus in.
Is this assumption incorrect?

In a stereo vs. mono cartridge setup, it's the cartridge body that is different, not the stylus assembly. So, you would gain nothing by swapping one stylus for another on the 2M body.

So would you be better off (for the purpose of solely listening to mono) with a $1000 stereo cart or a $500 mono cart? (assuming they were both at the same level relative to their price point, i.e. Ortofon 2M Mono vs 2M Black)
I guess if you had a tonearm with a detachable headshell (and you had two headshells wired up) you could swap between a stereo and a mono cart without too much fuss. Although having 2 tonearms on your table would be a better (but more expensive) solution.

Maybe (after the record/platter mat showdown is over) you could post a pair of blind test files of a mono recording - one made using the 2M Mono SE and the other using a 2M Black with the outputs electrically summed in the preamp. We could then get a sense how much difference using a dedicated mono cartridge (as opposed to simply summing the outputs of a regular stereo cartridge) might make.

Well, I also read the entire article and loved it. I even pre-ordered the set, I just hope its worth it. As for the mono cartridge, my pre-amp has a mono setting, so I guess I don't need it, but I'll reconsider if Mickey agrees to come over to my house the next time he's in Westchester and help me set it up. :)

Will an analog stereo version be soon produced, as was the case with the CD box sets? Come on, Michael, tell us if you know! Thanks.

Kudos to the photographer for getting the photo such that the cartridge looks as if it's adrift in the groove. Way cool.

The story about Michael's visit to Abbey road was so great. I read it twice and imagined what it would be like to listen to those master tapes with my own ears. Great stuff. Couldn't have been easy to stay quiet for a year, especially with everyone crying for the mono set to come out.
I work in this field and see clicks drop significantly when you ask your visitor to take an unnecessary action. People are busy and have other sites to visit and work to do before we finish lunch, etc. Unless you're going for pageviews (which would make sense, since advertisers pay more for more pageviews and this is a business after all), you'll want to either publish on one page or take a cue from the NYTimes and add a "single page" link at the top that allows the visitor to choose for him/herself.
2 cents

I am 30 and I enjoyed that article a lot. It was really neat to see the master tapes and get a chance to hear about the inside of Abbey Road Studios. I also enjoyed the smile on your face as it was obvious that you were enjoying yourself. As I am far too young to experience the Beatles when they first arrived in the States, it was moving to hear your response to walking into the same recording studio that the Beatles did.
My favorite band is Journey, so I would have a similar reaction if I were able to walk into their recording studio. That is the power of music- it becomes a soundtrack of your life as you mentioned and it is forever associated with distinct moments of your life.
I personally like the multiple page format. It is easier to digest in smaller chunks and I think it's cleaner looking as opposed to one long article. I didn't have any issue finding the second page. One issue I do have on the site sometimes is trying to locate older articles/reviews using the search feature.

I remember reading that article of yours too. I am looking forward to hearing the re-issued LP.

For those of you like me who have tried to order this cartridge from the US only to discover you COULDN'T, I've got good news. After a bit of back-and-forth with Ortofon in Denmark, they have agreed to open up the EU website to allow shipping to the USA. I don't know for how long, so if you're interested you'd best jump on it now. The URL is
You will need to sign up with Ortofon first. Also, be aware that the order process is a bit unclear. Although the site implies there's a step where you need to specify payment method, if you go ahead and select the default method and go to the last step, you can alter the payment method on that last page. Worked for me this week - YMMV.
-rich cook-

As someone who has just maxed out his meagre budget on a Debut Carbon Esprit with an Ortofon 2m Red Cartridge and a good second-hand Project Tube Box 1, I can't afford a mono cartridge. My amp is a Pioneer VSX 527 with no mono switch. By summing the cables between preamp and amp, am I likely to get a worthwhile result out of the new Beatles mono albums?