Let me get this straight, Michael. You found someone with an electrical eng. degree who backs your anti-CD views with a paper that is an embarrassment. Meantime, all the elec engs who disagree with you are cloth-eared philistines? If you have any interest in the truth of a topic, cherry-picking a small minority of favourable papers is exactly the wrong way to do it. It doesn't look good.
The reasons LP can sound better than CD are well known and conventional science: [1] 'loudness war' mastering ruining some CD's, and [2] the psychology of unconscious bias in many listeners making for a 'favourable receptivity' for LP in their minds that is driven by non-sonic factors and have sufficient strength to over-ride the actual sound wave differences. For example, Michael, you have such a tragic case of [2] that no CD has a chance under audition with you, no matter what its sonics.
So please, stick to reviews, and stick to LP reviews.