if I ever get over, i'll definitely look them up
Brooklyn Vinyl Works: A New Pressing Plant Opening in New York City
I've never thought I was, so I'm never disappointed, or have my feelings hurt when something like this happens but here's what happened: I got an email from a reader in The Netherlands telling me about a new pressing plant opening in Brooklyn, New York, about which I knew nothing.
Brooklyn Vinyl Works is the brainchild of Will Socolov who recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter with this press release:
"Music industry impresario Will Socolov is building a new record pressing plant in Brooklyn, New York City. Currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, Brooklyn Vinyl Works will restore out of service presses to run a 24-hour manufacturing plant that will include a glass wall through which visitors can watch the records being made in person.
Responding to the high demand and increased turn-around times for vinyl manufacturing in the industry, the new plant has turned to Kickstarter for help. Having already secured the location, Brooklyn Vinyl Works is now seeking funding for a number of factory specifics (new boiler, shrikwrap machine, hydraulics) as well as for the acquisition and restoration of additional record presses."
This is more than a pipe dream because the plant appears either already up and running or close to being up and running. The company will dedicate itself to helping smaller indie labels and artists at a time when the majors are starting to hog press time.
This is particularly annoying to me because I remember when then MCA (then Universal, now UMe) planned to close down its profitable Gloversville, NY pressing plant. I told whoever it was I got to talk to (can't remember) "You'll regret doing this! In ten years you'll need a pressing plant!" They laughed at me and shut it down, putting out of work dozens of loyal and experienced people. It did improve the corporation's bottom line for at least the next year.
They sold the presses to United in Nashville, which is now restoring and installing them in a second building but the Gloversville plant was pressing great 180s when it was shut. One reason was that Sundazed's Bob Irwin lived close by in Coxsackie, NY and he was helping them to improve pressing quality. What will we get from URP? We'll soon find out.
I also visited in the early 1990s with Sterling Sound's Greg Calbi and record producer Craig Street, Specialty Records in Olyphant, PA, which was owned by Warner Brothers. It too was a well run vinyl pressing plant that had expanded to cover DVD and CD production. I gave them the same advice but they closed down the record pressing division to make room for more DVD production (insert collective laugh here).
Learn more about Brooklyn Vinyl Works' and its Kickstarter campaign here.
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I'm not into vinyl but I find myself on Analog Planet more than Audiostream. Maybe I'm missing the old days or I find the articles more interesting. I don't know.

Not that computer audio is not without its merits, and Lavorgna is a great exponent of the medium. I have one setup at home and very impressed with how it trounces my CD players but I find the whole DAC streaming side of hi-fi absolutely boring. I now gloss over DAC reviews as it just doesn't ignite any passion. But reviewing a TechDAS turntable or phono preamp or refurbishing a TD-124 is just much more satisfying to me. I am sure glad vinyl is back and that I never sold off my vinyl collection in the 80's and 90's. I hope pressing plants sprout up all over the country like dandelions.

Back in the late 70's I worked the 7 inch automatics (45s)at the MCA pressing plant in Gloversville New York. They were Lened presses and made a good product. I might have even made the first picture disk.I took some Dallas cowboy cheerleader pictures from Playboy,dried them in the label drier, stopped the press mid-cycle inserted pics and presto, my first pic disk !!!!!

What was that about vinyl sales not growing or not increasing in popularity and all that stuff?
The more record pressing plants and such the better for those of us who like vinyl! It means prices will lower a bit so more folks can get more vinyl I would hope. It's already starting to happen with analog gear so that there is more affordable good quality gear for folks in all walks. Things may be looking up.

Mike I been saying this all along Brooklyn is now the music mecca. So many record stores and record companies . Even Queens has two new record stores . Its great to see. Hope all is well .A

Brooklyn is home to the best record stores In NYC nowadays. There arr fewer and fewer great record stores In Manhattan because rent prices are so high.