Doing a review of the VPI Prime? For here or Stereophile?
The Even More Amazing ifi Micro iPhono 2 MM/MC Phono Preamplifier
The price has risen $100 but comparing the older and newer iPhono demonstrates an improvement well beyond one quarter better.
But first, what’s changed: for starters gain can now be set up to 72dB for ultra-low output moving coil cartridges—or as low as 36dB for MM.
Dynamic range has been upped from 90dB to an ear-opening 106dB—that’s an increase of 15dB! The newly designed RIAA circuit is spec’d at ±0.2dB accuracy from 20Hz-20kHz.
The unit uses a further refined Class A TubeState™ circuit utilizing a new Burr-Brown Soundplus® J-FET amp as part of the J-FET/BJT output buffer. The circuit reduces the load seen by the main amplification circuit, which is said to improve linearity. Power supply flitering has been increased by a factor of five. Noise levels are said to approach the theoretical room temperature limits. The spec’d signal to noise ratio is claimed to be 3dB better on MC and 10dB quieter on MM.
The original iPhono had a pair of coupling capacitors to rid DC from the output and no DC servo. The new iPhono 2 incorporates an all-new Direct-Drive Servo-less ‘DC Infinity’ circuit, that has no capacitor and no DC-Servo, so it adds into the audio path zero noise and no distortion.
Parts quality has also been upped, including the use of more Japanese TDK C0G capacitors and ultra-low distortion (<0.00001%@1V/10kHz) Panasonic ECPU film capacitors specifically designed for use in audio circuits and compared to the original iPhono many more Vishay MELF type thin film resistors. There’s also a new 15V power supply versus the original’s 9V one.
Identical Feature Set
The iPhono 2’s feature set duplicates the original’s. There are separate MM and MC inputs on one side and a single set of RCA output jacks on the other. On bottom are three sets of dipswitches: one sets capacitive MM loading and selects MM or MC, a second selects MC resistive loading (33 ohms, 330 ohms, 1k ohm), while the third gives you EQ options plus the extra gain if needed. As in the original iPhono, your equalization choices are RIAA, eRIAA, IEC, and DECCA and Columbia.
Please read what I wrote in the original review about these options and add to it this: I was fortunate enough to speak with one of the last surviving original UK Decca mastering engineers George Bettyes. Mr. Bettyes insisted that Decca implemented the RIAA curve as soon as the company began issuing stereo records. He also insisted that UK Decca and American London records were identical other than the labels used. That is why, he insisted, all older American stereo London records say on them “use the RIAA curve”. So when you read in the instructions here about using the Columbia curve on ‘70s era stereo records, do yourself a favor and ignore them! Ditto what’s suggested about Decca records and the Decca FFRR curve!!!!!!!!
If these records sound “better” with those curves, you are using them as a tone control and not for strictly accurate playback.
Yes, But How Does it Sound?
The iPhono 2’s default settings are 60dB of gain, RIAA EQ eRIAA (enhanced with Neumann time constant (see original iPhono review), and 1k ohm resistive loading.
While the iPhono 2 sounds very good out of the box, to fully appreciate its sonic flower it must be given a chance to warm up and break in. At first I thought it sounded very much like the original but with clearly better bass. After an extended break in time, the differences between the original and the new iPhono became major and even profound.
I mostly ran it using the VPI Prime turntable fitted with a Lyra Helikon SL cartridge, which outputs a very low .22mV and has an internal impedance of 3 ohms. It’s very detailed and “fast” overall, but less than lush sounding in the midrange. I had certain expectations of what I’d hear.
(I did find that though a 3 ohm internal impedance normally calls for loading of 100 ohms or less, the iPhono 2 sounded best at the default 1kHz setting).
First of all the iPhono 2’s bottom end is far more fully extended and fleshed out than was the original, of which I wrote: “The iPhono didn't plumb the depths but how many are going to use it with speakers capable of below 30Hz response? The bass that was there, however, was very clean, precise and well-controlled.”
On the new double LP set of dub style Jamaican music with some breezy Brazilian thrown in for variety Sunshine Seas by New Zion w. Cyro (RareNoise RNR065LP), the iPhono 2 proved that it does “plumb the depths” that the original iPhono doesn’t manage. Bass was deeper, tighter, more forceful, and yet as clean, precise and controlled as before. A major upgrade.
I described the original as lacking in midrange bloom, with attack that was “… clean and fast, the sustain was somewhat lacking and decay was pretty stingy.” That was the case here too upon first turn-on, but over time as the unit broke in, bloom improved as did the generosity of the sustain and decay. The midrange became “bloomin’” liquid, in fact.
I also complained (only a bit, given the $399 price) about the original’s lack of stage depth, but with the improved bloom, sustain and decay, stage depth greatly improved. It was easy to switch back and forth between the two iPhonos. The improvements rendered by the new iPhono 2 were easy to hear—especially the bass depth and solidity on the dub music.
So take what’s said in the original review and remove the negatives and that’s what you get for $499: an even more impressive and versatile phono preamplifier that produced a level of liquidity, bloom and textures the original missed, along with superior bass and more precise transients along with blacker backgrounds and easily heard improved transparency.
A really good and versatile phono preamplifier has given way to one that’s ridiculously good. The price has gone up $100 but the new iPhono 2 is easily more than twice as good as the original. A major achievement in budget priced phono gear. If you have an original iPhono should you sell and upgrade to the iPhono 2? Definitely, unless you’re looking to seriously upgrade, in which case you’ll be spending well more than $499 and even then, if you’re not careful you may spend much more and not get something better than the iPhone 2! Highly recommended! (for complete specs and details visit the ifi Audio website.
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Was wondering whether you had something against the Prime!

I currently own a Traveler and am considering upgrading to a Prime, if you could possible compare the two please, I'd really appreciate it!

I've been looking into getting a phono preamp for my vintage system (Pioneer SX-1250, Micro-Seiki BL-51 turntable with a Grado Prestige (green) cartridge into Phase-Tech 8.5 speakers) and just found out that I'm about to inherit an old Harmon-Kardon Citation II that once belonged to my father. I understand that the Citation is highly respected, but after reading your glowing review of the iFi Micro iPhono 2 I'm wondering if I should forego the ancient 70 lb. beast and invest in something more modern. What would you suggest?

Michael, nice review. This is moving to the top of my list for a preamp upgrade. Do you plan on reviewing any of the new Rega or Music Hall TT's in the $1000 - $1500 range? I'd love for you to be able to do more product reviews. Thanks

Are they at all useful for mono records? I don't have many of them, but I've always wondered if you need two phono preamps, one with all the curves for mono records, and another one for stereo records, given that very few phono preamps offer more than one curve. Or are you better off with just one good quality phono preamp, even if you want to listen to mono records on occasion?

Any plans for JA to run a set of measurements to confirm the claimed increases in S/N ratio and dynamic range?
When you referred to "1kHz resistive loading", did you instead mean 1k ohm?

How does it compare now to the Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE in your opinion? Time to change to this iPhono 2?

If you are in the US and don't have a local dealer who carries the iPhono, these are carried by Music Direct which has an excellent return policy if you do not prefer the iPhono.

How about reviewing the other 2 much talked about phono stages, namely the Lounge & the Parks Audio-Budgie?

... the Emotiva XPS-1, the Cambridge Audio CP-2, and the Pro-Ject PhonoBox S or DS.

Thanks for the review, Michael. I bought an iPhono2 last week and have been thrilled with what I'm hearing. I'm using a VPI Classic 3 with SDS and a Clearaudio Maestro Wood MM cartridge.
As it breaks in I"m hearing deeper into the music and noticing a much bigger and more defined sound stage, not to mention the phenomenal bass.
It's hard to believe this little wonder is only $500!
(My only complaint is that the miniscule typeface surrounding the dip switches is really tough to read with my middle-aged eyes. Perhaps iFi should include a magnifying glass with each unit.)

I have been using the Hovland Hp-100 phono section for 16 years. Always found it ver good. But having recently purchased a Symposium Acoustic Osiris Rack, added resolution and subtraction of distortion showed a lack of quality in the phono pre. I own a Transfiguration Proteus so I didn't buy the original IFi with only 60db gain. But the 2 with 72db and multiple loading options and as an urban dweller with limited room, I pre-ordered one. The Proteus has an internal impedence of 1 ohm. The ifi2 enabled me to find a soul satisfying load setting of 76.5 ohms coupled wth 72db gain and the increased power supply simply embarrassed my Hovland phono pre. IMO one of high end audio's best recent achievements. If you walked into an audio showroom with a mega $$$ phono pre shown but not in use and the ifi2 hooked up but out of sight no one would know the trick played on them. It's that good. And yes Mike, 50-100 hours break-in makes this little trouble maker a real contender,

I've heard the original iPhono and thought it was pretty darn good and had a lot of versatile settings, assuming you could read the microscopic lettering on the bottom.
But iFi fired the US distributor Avatar Acoustics a while ago, and I get bad vibes from that. Who do they have for support and service? They also dropped Avatar as AMR distributor, which is even more troubling. What were they thinking? Without good representation and solid service a component is worthless. I think they shot themselves in the foot, big time.

As pointed out by the previous commenter, they dropped Avatar Acoustics as their distributor. In talking with a couple of the resellers that were supplied by Avatar, the first they knew of this decision was the receipt of an email saying that Avatar was no longer their distributor and they would be advised about how to order shortly. When I called Avatar they had not been formally advised that they were no longer the distributor. They had heard about it from the resellers and were attempting to determine what had changed. Avatar were puzzled by this as iFi Audio had no other distribution system in place! I am not sure what transpired but I do know that Avatar was a strong proponent of the iFi product line and was selling lots of units. This decision makes no sense to me and I hope that someone will come forth with a rational explanation! I own five iFi products, but I am waiting until I find out more about iFi's plans before I commit to any more of their products.

Another great review. I'm looking forward to hearing one of these someday!
Related to the topic of distribution in the US, those of us who have dealt with Avatar Acoustics in the past appreciated their excellent service. I'm sure each of us have stories of how they went above and beyond normal expectations to take care of us...that's just how Darren operates the business.
It's unlikely that iFi will issue a press release describing in detail their reasons for parting ways with Avatar or especially how they handled the transition. As happy and loyal customers of both companies, the best we can hope for from iFi is to bolster their new distribution and service team and actually deliver on product and service commitments. We will also stay in touch with Avatar and support whatever new initiatives Darren takes on since we know that good people make great things happen.
I actually have an iFi product that needs some repair work, so I'll report back on the experience of working with the new support team in Washington once the work is complete.
The timing and events that separated these two companies were unfortunate, but I remain hopeful that iFi and Avatar Acoustics will continue to succeed since we all stand to benefit from their successes.

Just want to chime in and say I bought an iPhono from Avatar through Amazon and Amazon's distro sent me an iDAC something or other... I contacted Avatar directly and had a great chat with Darren about iFi, his shop, and audio so much that his bluetooth died! He cross-shipped the correct product and we didn't have to deal with Amazon messing up again, and seemed genuinely great to deal with. Just wanted to add my two cents since he was dealing with a small fry sale instead of the big boy stuff they must normally distribute...

In a phono preamp with both MM & MC inputs, which is appropriate for high-output MC cartridges? I still use a classic Adcom micro-ridge II cartridge, which has output well over 2mv. Running it through a passive PS Audio preamp (the preamp has only one set of inputs, marked simply "PHONO") produces output well in excess of the line-level outputs of disk players. And I mean like 18dB higher than the output of my Oppo!
So, on a newer device like the iFi, should a cartridge input be selected solely as a function of desired gain? That is, would you expect a problem connecting a high-output MC through the iFi's MM inputs? In my case, the Adcom has a 47K output impedance, so I'm not sure what other issues might exist.
"Inquiring Minds Want to Know" Don

Hi Mike, are you saying i.e. a Dynavector 20-X2 H) / 2.8mV should be used with the MM input of the iPhono 2 with a 47k load?
Kind regards,

... as always, for reviewing a broad cross-section of phono gear. Yes it's great to hear about how wonderful something like the Boulder 1008 sounds but it's even greater to hear you enthusiastic for the quality of this ~$500 piece of equipment.
That you can be excited by a phono solution at this price range is a real testament to your dedication to all of us out here in phono-land, no matter our ability or inclination to spend. Kudos to you!

Is all the filtering going on. Worried that it could EQ the sound or muffle it.

This unit sounds quite transparent, and smooth, yet neutral. Never muffled, never offensive, and it's a real deal.

Hi there,
sorry for asking, I think I'd missed something: where did you find the ifi micro phono 2 at 499 USD?
Thanks in advance.

I bought from Music Direct for 499. Had an issue with the power unit, but iFi sent me a new one directly. (Both iFi and Music Direct were very responsive on the issue)

On a related note, does anyone else find the instructions on setting the RIAA EQ Curve confusing? According to the instructions, you set to eRIAA by pushing the designated switch to ON (circle). Likewise, to set to IEC you push the designated switch to ON (circle). But the instructions say that if you push both switches to ON (circle), it is just regular RIAA. And if you push both switches to OFF (dash), the RIAA EQ Curve = eRIAA + IEC. This seems backwards.

I really love this phono preamp, but wanted just a little bit more. So I tried a linear power supply this evening, instead of the iPower, and the sound is now even more amazing.

digitallc, is there a certain brand/model of linear power supply that you used? Are you still using it? So many different options and price points...not sure what you might recommend. Please advise.

CD, I used the SBooster with the Ultra attachment, and it worked really well to improve the sound. I also have SBoosters on other components.
I have since upgraded to an Audio Alchemy PPA-1/PS-5 with Cinemag 1254 SUT, and will likely use the iPhono2 with LPS in another system.

I have one of these. Out of the box I liked it but I ended up replacing the wall wart power supply with a big linear power supply from sBooster, and the few things that bothered me cleared right up. It smoothed out, imaging improved and a more natural decay replaced things going off into a slightly vague fog. I ended up replacing my more costly Primare R32 and Juicy Music Tercel II (and nice tube stage) with it, when it was only meant to be my back-up.

I had a positively awful experience with iFi when my iPhono2 failed. You can read about it here if you’d like to consider it as you’re thinking about the iPhono2, which actually sounds pretty good.

(and a few words about iFi Audio)
Here is a tale about my feelings. And, incidentally, about the iFi iPhono2.
I bought an iFi iPhono2 second-hand in December. It was in near-perfect condition. I had read a lot of very nice reviews of this unit. I felt excited.
It stopped working a few weeks later — like one morning, just ... nothing. I felt deflated.
I checked iFi’s published warranty. My unit still met all of the terms. I felt optimistic.
The original purchaser sent me a copy of his sales slip to verify that it was within the stated warranty period. I felt grateful.
I could not find a customer service phone number for iFi. I wondered what kind of company doesn’t have a phone number. Sometimes it’s the kind that doesn’t want to hear from customers. I felt apprehensive.
I filled out the iFi service form online. A tech responded with a few suggestions that did not, alas, resuscitate the unit. I asked how to go about securing service for a product under warranty. The tech told me that the warranty does not apply to a second purchaser. I felt confused.
I pointed out that the warranty states no such condition, establishes no such limitation, contains no such words. It just says that it applies one year from the date of purchase, and that my unit met that condition. I felt empowered.
I knew they would check for themselves and agree. How could they not? It was in plain English. I felt reassured.
I was told that the policy of AMR, iFi’s parent company, is that warranties do not apply to second purchasers. I felt puzzled.
Twice I wrote to ask if I had missed something. Twice I asked if the company was applying additional warranty conditions beyond those stated in the warranty. Twice I received no reply to those questions. I felt ignored. Twice.
The tech offered that a new board would cost $126. I protested politely, and was told that the cost could be reduced to $99 for a “warranty transfer” and “handling charge.” That seemed like an awful lot of “handling” for a board that weighs about six ounces, but I am not in the warranty transfer business, or the handling business, so I can’t claim to know for sure. I felt frustrated.
I told the tech I though this was unfair. If they insisted on the charge, I said, I would describe the situation online. He told me the company takes that kind of thing very seriously. I felt like I cared deeply.
Then I realized that AMR is a multi-million-dollar company that’s apparently willing to gamble bad publicity against $99 — or was it $126? — and not just any $99 or $126, but $99 or $126 that would pay for a repair that the warranty stated it would cover.
Sorry, my error: I just wrote that I felt like I cared deeply, but I was not in touch with my feelings when I wrote that. In fact, I felt like I did not care.
All of this was taking a lot of time. I told the tech that I thought it was not right, but I decided to cut my losses and pay the $99. (I am principled but I am not an idiot.) I asked for an invoice, which I did not receive. I felt ignored. Again.
Instead, the tech explained the policy to me once more, very carefully, so I could understand why they would not want to extend a warranty to a product that met all stated warranty conditions. The tech did not address the question of whether the warranty actually contains language that correlates with what the company wants. I felt mumbo-jumboed.
I am no Pulitzer winner, but I understand the language and ways it can be used to make a plain fact appear to be less plain. I felt patronized.
Again I asked for an invoice. I received it. I paid it. I felt angry. I also felt a little poorer.
At that point I was told that the US facility is in Virginia, which — o lucky day! — borders my own state. I’d be back in business in a jiffy! I felt relieved.
I was told that the staff in Virginia were preparing for an audio show, and I would have to accept a delay. I said that was not acceptable to me. I felt impatient.
The tale above is a condensed version of an online conversation that took 17 days. It was not for lack of timely responses on my part. I felt exasperated.
Finally, the tech said they would dispatch the board from the UK, where iFi is located. It arrived nine days later. O happy day! I felt anticipation as I waited for the mail carrier.
I installed the new board myself. It involved turning 11 hex screws. It takes about four minutes, including locating the hex wrenches. I felt proud of my DIY skills.
The replacement board did not work. I know because in the meantime I bought a different phono stage. It arrived two days after the replacement. For reasons of my own sanity, I waited to notify iFi until the replacement phono stage arrived to be sure I wasn’t being more of an idiot than I am capable of being. I assumed the replacement would solve the problem. I felt like a great vacuum had descended over my turntable. (Not the kind of vacuum made by VPI or Audiodesk.) I felt dumb.
I notified iFi. I was asked to ship everything to Virginia. I felt like I had freedom, which is just another word for nothing left to lose.
They turned it around in a couple of days and returned it to me. They confirmed that the old board was probably the result of “the chip” going bad, and that the replacement board had “low output.” I felt vindicated, sort of. Mostly I just felt like I had lost this game.
I received the unit promptly. It worked properly. Total cost: $99, plus $8 shipping charges. Total time from initiating the ticket to receiving the functioning replacement: 40 days. What I felt mostly was a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t think it was the PB&J I had for lunch.
I sold the iPhono2. I realize this story is not the worst thing that ever happened to anybody, but it was enormously frustrating nonetheless.
I felt like I wouldn’t do business with iFi again. Now there’s something I felt like I could control.

I'm torn between these 2 phonos to run my ZU-DL103. Can you please recommend me one?.

ok, which one sounds more life-like? the iphono2 or the graham slee era gold v. and also, I read a review recently that implied the bass was too much on the iphono2. could there be some "mega bass" manipulation in the iphono2? that would bother me.