Verve/Ume/Acoustic Sounds Announces 2022’s Remaining All-Analogue Releases

Los Angeles – May 5, 2022- Verve/Ume and Acoustic Sounds announces the following titles coming throughout the year followed the April 29th release John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman (Impulse!, 1963).

May 13—Duke Ellington Meets Coleman Hawkins (Impulse!, 1963)

June 17—Bill Evans Trio ‘65

July 15—Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong—Ella & Louis (Verve, 1956)
August 19—Oscar Peterson—We Get Requests (Verve, 1964)
September 9—Bill Evans At Town Hall (Verve, 1966)
September 16— Ella & Louis Again (Verve, 1957)
October 14—Roy Haynes—Out of The Afternoon (Impulse!, 1969)
November 11—Pharoah Sanders—Karma (Impulse!, 1969)
December 2—Oscar Peterson—Night Train (Verve, 1963)

This is the all-analogue series’ 3rd year. The 2021 offerings were mostly from the Impulse! catalog as that label celebrated its 60th anniversary. 2022 will see more Impulse! titles but also many from the Verve catalog. As with the previously released titles these will be mastered by Ryan K. Smith at Sterling Sound, Nashville, pressed on 180g vinyl and packaged in high quality “tip-on” gatefold jackets. AnalogPlanet readers will note that some of these titles had previously been released by Analogue Productions.

The press release notes “All releases, as always, are supervised by Chad Kassem, CEO of Acoustic Sounds, the world’s largest source for audiophile recordings, and will utilize the unsurpassed production craft of Quality Record Pressings.

Here are links to order the following already released titles:

John Coltrane—Crescent

John Coltrane—Live at the Village Vanguard

Duke Ellington & John Coltrane

John Coltrane & Johnny Harman

Montpier's picture

if Analog Planet could provide, let's say, "guidance" if these reissues pretty much sound similar, inferior or improved upon the prior Analogue Productions release -- even in the form of brief capsule reviews.

This is not intended to throw Chad "under a bus" if his prior version used a less good master or less successful mastering process. My understanding is he's always looking for the best possible source and may not even know whether what he received for these releases is different from what had been previously sourced from the Universal archives.

And while it's great to have reissue of originally released version of something like Coltrane's "Live At The Village Vanguard" would it be greedy to wish for a full analog release of the Complete 1961 Village Vanguard Recordings as released on 4xCD in 1997? Or is it likely the original analog tapes no longer exist?

Glotz's picture

Someone please slow the train down! I can't keep up!

Crescent and Vanguard are absolutely everything MF has said.. Just so grateful I could get in on the fun and superlative sound.

With over 40 other titles purchased just in the last 2 months purchased, I really wanna cry uncle. Great time to be in love with vinyl - if you're independently wealthy.. lol.

Anton D's picture

This will issue number 100! (According to Discogs.)

I look forward to a future article placing them in sonic order. I prefer Malachi do this so we can watch the ensuing snowflake uprising.

I confess: I am getting reissue fatigue.


I imagine viewing a vinyl lover's shelves and it turns out like the Borat cheese sketch.

"And what is this?

"Another pressing of Hartman/Coltrane."

"And what is this?

"Another pressing of Hartman/Coltrane."

"And what is this?

"Another pressing of Hartman/Coltrane."

"And what is this?

"Another pressing of Hartman/Coltrane."

"And what is this?

"Another pressing of Hartman/Coltrane."


Intermediate Listener's picture

With you on that. These are great artists, fine recordings (haven’t heard the Sanders), but do we really need new versions? There are so many gems in the Impulse and Verve catalogs that have not been reissued since the 1970s, would be great if Chad could include some in the mix.

MalachiLui's picture

i totally get that... i'm very much looking forward to this pharoah sanders reissue but most of the others i can do without.

Michael Fremer's picture
We really do need new versions for those new to vinyl or who have returned!
MalachiLui's picture

used to have the original mono and stereo impulse pressings as well as the ORG 45 in my discogs wantlist... but removed them because i'll just get the acoustic sounds reissue sometime for much cheaper...

Big Star's picture

Well I am excited about the Sanders too (very excited) Out of the Afternoon was an extremely important record to young jazz musicians of the time. These were big personalities on this record - strong and individual minds (brilliant players). It’s a case study in complexity and “team” work. It’s exceptional and having a reasonably priced high quality version will be a good thing (after market is too much) I will be donating four copies to music programs/schools in the Atlanta area. It’s that important to me. This record is a deep well of education.
The other titles I can see why people maybe are are not so excited.

jazz's picture

The 45 RPM ORG, which I have. Same for Coltrane Ballads. Anyway I’ll buy this 33 RPM one, too, to also have the chance to play it with less flipping.

Anton D's picture

I am with you, I feel over-flipped.

I get it, I am an audiophile, and all, but music lovers don't wanna jump up and flip sides that often. 45 RPM is for audiophiles, 33 RPM is for music enjoyment. (Stirring pot.)

But, most audiophiles I know rarely play an entire track before changing LPs, so I may be in the minority!

Glotz's picture

Borat... still laughing.. Soooo appropriate.

ivansbacon's picture

i am an AnalogProductions/Acousticsounds news letter subscriber.

There are many LP's i would purchase as my budget allows but Unfortunately I can not purchase anything from AnalogProductions/Acousticsounds because of the company's CHOICE to NOT offer the option of the United States Postal Service.

I live in Alaska, AnalogProductions/Acousticsounds charges $26.00 to ship ONE LP. (Or even one CD)

I used the contact option on the web site asking why USPS was not an option but the company has failed to respond.
I then posted this question, and the lack of response on the web site, on chads YouTube channel to let him know of the customer service failure. No response there as well.

The lower 48 enjoy "Music Orders Over $49 SHIP FREE Within The Continental U.S."

The United States Postal Service services All of the United States and I regularly get LP's shipped for less then $10.00. or free if I spend enough with companies that have the consideration offer the affordable USPS to AK.

ALL other shipping companies charge much more money then i am willing pay when there IS an affordable alternative.

I expected AnalogProductions/Acousticsounds to have great,if not good, customer service but so far they have shown themselves to not care enough to respond to my correspondence.
Very Disappointing, what is the point of a company posting a "contact us for help" if they ignore the contact?

The result is loosing a customer.

MalachiLui's picture

will end up in normal record stores and other online outlets because it's getting wide UMG distribution...

Wymax's picture

In Europe we have to pay 60 USD for shipping :-) Let alone the import taxes and more that will add 30 percent plus 25 USD in handling fee (Denmark). And yes, that is per shipment, also if just one LP.

They are satisfied with selling within the US, and the pressings will be sold out, they cannot be bothered with the romantic idea of offering the reissues to all music lovers. It is, after all, just plain business.

Rashers's picture

from Amazon, de, fr,, jpc etc. - and, indeed from my local record store (in Ireland). They are priced at approx €38 to €40 (very expensive compared with the US price). Unlike the Blue Note Classic Series, however (pressed at Optimal in Germany), they are entirely manufactured in the USA, so we are stuck with import duties. You can also get them from independent record shops, Diverse vinyl in the UK and the Vinyl Gourmet in Lisbon.
Universal distribution has been kind to the Acoustic Sounds and Blue Note reissues, as are Craft recordings with their Contemporary series - making them available worldwide (this was not the case with the 2010s OJC reissues).

Cassettivity's picture

Would be convenient to have record buddies in Europe & Japan (I'm in the US). They save up records you buy until you get to some # for economical shipping, and at that point, they ship to you. You do the same for them...

Bmcpherson's picture

Buy them from the ample secondary market on Discogs. There are so many flippers that the extra margin should be less than the shipping charges you don't care for. Also - the UME series is available on Amazon - I assume they ship to Alaska at a better rate

Steelhead's picture

Ivansbacon, Greetings

Can't Steve or Verna score you AP through Obsession records?

I know Steve used to be able to score them as he acquired some Beach Boys titles on AP for me a few years ago.

Great record shop (which I suppose if you're into vinyl needs no repeating).


Russo7516's picture

Most of these can be obtained @ Academy Records.Brooklyn USA 1 pressings at half the price the new reissues .Bill Evans Live at Town Hall volume I .First pressing 8 bucks .Btw he never released volume II (LoL)

Michael Fremer's picture
I truly doubt your post. Next time you are there buy the originals in mint condition for 1/2 the price of these reissues, send them to me (I'm across the river in NJ) and I'll reimburse you fully plus shipping and add $100 for your efforts. But they all have to be originals and in mint condition and the receipt has to show that you paid 1/2 of what these cost or around $20 each. I'll be waiting....
Roy Martin's picture

...that the one I really want to see reissued is "Tauhid" with Henry Grimes and Sonny Sharrock. "Karma" is great but it's 95% "The Creator Has a Master Plan" and, personally, I've heard it enough times for one lifetime. Looking forward to ML's review.

MalachiLui's picture

i haven't yet committed to reviewing any of these! fremer and i will discuss...

jazz's picture

So hopefully there’s not only a dub available for a potential remastering, would make a great release which I’ll then see if I need it at all.

Oh those lucky insiders who hear from the remastering engineers where tapes still exist and where not, so they can hunt for the relevant originals before the masses. I guess there’s more than one reason why Michael hangs around at Grundman so often ;-)

Pretzel Logic's picture

I will buy Karma in the hopes that it's success will lead to Tauhid and Thembi next.

420jjjazz666's picture

The Pharoah Sanders will be great, as well as the Roy Haynes. Glad the Roy Haynes finally has a (hopefully realistic) release date.

Rashers's picture

2 Bill Evans, 2 Oscar Petersons, another Duke, another Coltrane: it is a pity that UME/Analogue Productions wouldn't follow the less commercial approach of Tone Poet series. The Verve and Impulse catalogs are immense (although there may be an issue with the original masters after the fire).
Also, while it is great that a new generation of audiophiles are discovering this great American cultural heritage - spare a thought for all those young and older jazz musicians who are actively recording and releasing new albums (with hardly had a paying gig in 2 years) - many of which are released on vinyl, sound great and cost a lot less. It is strange that UME do not include promotional material for their other newer releases in the Acoustic Sounds and Blue Note reissues.[the AS series has a self promotional insert a la Speakers' Corner, Mofi, Pure Pleasure etc.]

Incidentally if you believe that digitally recorded material does not sound great on vinyl listen to "Valentine" by Bill Frisell or "Tone Poem" by Charles Lloyd - sonically they are the equal of anything released in the Analog era.

Michael Fremer's picture
Digital recordings these days are outstanding and usually sound better on vinyl for whatever reason or reasons. It took a long time to reach this destination no thanks to the people who declared digital recording superior from the time it was introduced when it definitely was not!
jazz's picture

with what you wrote, but not with the last paragraph of the previous post you included in your agreement. I never heard a digitally sourced LP so far which could compete with the 3D, airiness and kind of dynamics the best all analog LP’s can provide.

hi-fivinyljunkie's picture

All this moaning about AS postage! This series is available from Amazon so you can have them postage free.

Russo7516's picture

Bill Evans 65 . 26.50 and free shipping w/ prime and no waiting from AS.
Also Universal has a site and join get 10% off. Enjoy

Mile High Audio's picture

Acoustic Sounds does give you 'free' postage with a minimum dollar value order. Also, if you do (not) pay postage their shipping boxes are world-class (and very reusable), plus any damage(s) needing a return/replacement/refund is promptly handled. The peace of mind is worth it to me. I'm just a happy customer after years of buying from them. Good luck! :-)

Mile High Audio's picture

PS Very fortunately I am a USA based customer, so that helps :-)

Tom L's picture

Michael put some extra work into this post, he went with the British spelling in the headline instead of the sacrilegious US version. Next thing you know he'll be reviewing a tone arm made of aluimnium.

Tom L's picture

sabotaged by fumblefingers.

39goose's picture

It is not that Acoustic Sounds doesn't care about you or others. They, like most other successful companies have trouble keeping up with demand right now. Every department is "swamped". You are questioning their shipping policies waiting for a response and they are like cats trying to bury shit on a marble floor. If you have a cell phone, you can call for free and they can recite the shipping policy's for you, also available online in "shipping policy's" They have been doing the best as they can for over 30 years.

Russo7516's picture

I am waiting on stuff from Acoustic Sounds for a few weeks now . Chad posted a You Tube video of his Shipping dept.Lets just say OSHA better not see it . Working off a single table just for the UHQR WTF ZERO social distancing.I understand worker are in high demand and Covid is still here. I kinda feel bad for his staff .I doubt they are paid a wee bit more over mimmium wage.
I called AS and they said they were backed up 7 to 10 business days on shipping WOW.
He needs a better shipping dept. I know he gets a lot of orders and he charges for S&H .
In the world of Amazon guys like Chad better learned the word Logistics. Cause you can order something on Amazon and gets to many rather quickly
Also AS should ship to companies that can get stuff OUT! Music Direct waits 3 months sometimes for their pressing from Salina .Kansas. Even when the LP is out. Look at You tube on the UHQR Are you Experienced. Trust me I ordered something from them and they told me that.

hixexa3239's picture

drywall company is looking forward to these all-analogue releases from Verve/Ume and Acoustic Sounds in 2022. The lineup is impressive, and it's great to see the continued commitment to high-quality vinyl pressings.

Yusyter's picture

Thanks for sharing!
drift boss

tolawax814's picture

drywall companies can't wait to experience these timeless classics on 180g vinyl.

Leticiaa's picture

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