Canadian Company's New Turntable/Arm Combo Sports Wood

Canadian firm Tri-Art Audio introduced the Block TA-2 turntable and the Block TA-1 tonearm, to be distributed in America by Avatar Acoustics.

The Block combo features a belt driven bamboo platter, plinth, and unipivot tonearm as well as wood clad power supply. The 12V DC motor is driven by an outboard bamboo clad motor supply. The combo costs around $2500. Hmmm.....

SET Man's picture


    Bamboo turntable, eh? I like wood but even though bamboo is very dense wood. Since they are not very thick on this I would be worry that it will bent and wrap over time especially with the arm.

    But I have to say I do like the the way the combo look.

Paul Boudreau's picture

Hmm, makes me think of Mapleshade's maple platforms for turntables and other components.

leewilliamson's picture

In response to the forum conversation about the Canadian company's new turntable and arm combo, I must say that the use of wood in their design is intriguing. It adds a touch of natural aesthetics and warmth to the overall look. Moreover, the incorporation of bamboo, known for its strength and sustainability, in the platter, plinth, and motor supply is quite unique. It reminds me of how certain companies in the construction industry, like Chesapeake Polishing, utilize wood and other materials to create visually appealing and durable surfaces. Speaking of surfaces, have any of you heard about epoxy flooring? It's a fascinating option for concrete polishing in Chesapeake, providing a seamless and glossy finish. It might be an interesting parallel to explore, given our discussion on innovative uses of materials.