This is a lifestyle product, not a hifi product. From that POV, it's a cool piece of industrial design. But on a decidedly hifi-oriented blog, I think the conversation to have is about recommendability.
I tend to cringe when friends "getting into vinyl" put interior design ahead of sound. Yes, Fremer seemed to think the OG Spinbase sounded acceptable, and for someone with $500 to spend and MUST have a one-box solution for existing TT and BT sources, what else is there? But if you read these comments, you know what analog really has to offer. Should you tell people to get this?
I don't *want* to be a snob. If your interest in audio gear is more aesthetic than aural, all good.
But my advice to someone considering this is always going to be THERE'S SO MUCH MORE OUT THERE, MAN. $500 could buy you a cool vintage setup. $1k will give you the Spinbase's functionality in an also great-looking box with PS Audio's Sprout/Elac monitor bundle. Both will give you a taste of the spiritual deep-listening experience I'm in this for – and an upgrade path to boot.