A little pricey, (for me anyway) at around $6000 USD, but I bet it sounds great.
Audio-Technica's "Evolutionary" New ART1000 Phono Cartridge
Neumann's DST 62, introduced in 1962 and a recent copy of that design by Tsar Audiology in Siberia (see Art Dudley's review) also placed the coils atop the stylus. See Art's story for why that is beneficial. A review, not a show report is a better venue for such a discussion.
This new one from Audio-Technica repeats the concept but with a totally new design. The video provides the details (output, price, VTF etc.).
I apologize for the less than stellar video, particularly the aim: I was so entranced by the stylus, that I didn't pay sufficient attention to where the camera was aimed. If you pause at the appropriate place you'll see it better! The photo at the top shows it clearly as well.
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You have the best macro lens I have ever seen!

In the review cited above, Art Dudley says, "But, as I described in last month's column, the cantilever of an ideal phono cartridge would be as short as possible, with a fulcrum equidistant from the stylus at one end and the generator at the other: Otherwise, the generator's excursions can't really keep pace with the excursions of the stylus, the result being compressed music."
That is such rubbish and I have read him say it elsewhere also. By that reckoning, turning the volume down must be also compression. But it is not. Compression is non-linear. If 10 maps into 5, 6 into 3, 2 into 1, that is linear. But if 10 mapped into 4 in that same series, that would be compression, it is not proportinal. That type of compression is used -- and often unncessarily maligned -- in music recording to make the quitest parts louder and vice versa.
Unfortunately urban -- and audio -- myths start when "experts" write nonsense.

An ideal design would exactly mimic the geometry of the cutting head. I don't know the exact length of a cutting stylus from the pivot, but I'm sure it is relatively short. If the distance from pivot to stylus tip of a phono cartridge is different than that of the cutter, it means it cannot exactly retrace the arc of the cutting stylus (it would have a different "arc radius").