...the one shown last year?
CH Precision P1 Phono Preamplifier is App Controlled
Plus it has a voltage gain based MM input that can also be used for MM and set for sufficient gain, with MC as well. Or you can use your favorite step up transformer, setting gain to typical MM or 40dB.
The PH1 is availabie as dual-mono in a single chassis, or true monaural, with each channel in its own chassis.
Also available is an optional outboard power supply. The combination of the Air Force two turnable CH Precision electronics and Vivid loudspeakers, produced impeccable sound. One of the best sounding rooming at High End Munich 2016.
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...oscilloscope function noted in last year's report?
Neither the product flyer nor the user manual available on the CH-Precision website seem to make any mention of it?
For a $25K unit, the user manual is a bit vague on how some of the features work.

@ Ortofan: the P1 shown last year is identical to the one shown this year. I understand by "Oscilloscope" that you refer to the impedance loading wizard.
The impedance loading wizard available from the P1 menus processes a frequency analysis of the signal provided by the CH calibration record. It outputs on the unit's front panel display the frequency response of the left and right channels for 20 loading impedances evenly spread between the impedance limits set by the user at the beginning of the wizard. The user can scroll through the various curves and either select one of the curves (ie one of the impedances), or re-run the wizard with limits set around the preferred curve from the last time round. I hope this helps clarify the functioning of the P1 loading impedance wizard.

...MF used in his report on the P1 from last year's show.
Are there any photos or videos available that show the display of frequency response that appears when the loading wizard function is running?
If not, maybe MF can make a video of the loading wizard in operation when he gets a unit in for review.

@ Ortofan: following your kind suggestion, I posted a few pictures of the impedance loading wizard on our Facebook page.

Link to pictures of loading wizard: https://www.facebook.com/chprecision/posts/1066909043403442