Best news I heard all year!!!!!!!
The Beatles Get Back To Mono and AAA Vinyl Page 2
Producer Steve Berkowitz has a reliable, proven effective reissue and/or remix methodology: he begins by gathering and listening to original “1A” (in the case of Columbia reissues) pressings. Then after the tapes are digitized at 96/24 he compares the records and the files, adjusting EQ as necessary before again using the tapes to make a final digital master or to cut lacquers for an AAA release.
The mono Beatles tapes were in very good shape but still the goal was to play them as few times as possible so once they were retrieved from the special vault in which they are stored—in a separate secret location from the rest of EMI’s tape holdings and kept under security resembling the nuclear code the President of the United States would use to order a strike—each tape was played back on the mono headstock equipped Studer A80 deck in mastering engineer Sean Magee’s room (which itself is under electronic lock and video monitoring security) and recorded to digital at 96/24 resolution.
With these files on hand, Berkowitz and Magee set about comparing the digitized tapes to first pressings using an Ortofon 2M Black on a less than distinguished turntable through a Stanton MM phono preamp. Not “high end” but reliably flat in response. The B&W 802s were driven by Classe monoblocks. But before listening they set the EQ as close as possible to original recording and mastering engineer Norman Smith’s notes found in each tape box.
Of course a great deal has changed in the intervening decades. The tapes have aged, some for more than fifty years, the playback electronics are different as is the vastly improved quality and timbral characteristics of the monitor speakers.
Over time—quite a long time actually—Berkowitz and Magee listened to the records and to the “flat” 96/24 transfers and EQ’d, making only subtle but critical changes to the original settings, though they knew the resulting LPs would sound somewhat different than the originals, which were cut using a tube chain with a somewhat brighter, perhaps airier top end and softer far less well-defined bass. The originals may have been cut taking into account the relatively primitive playback gear owned by typical Beatles fans. Today there are no such limitations
This is a photo of Berkowitz’s EQ notes for Help! and Beatles For Sale:
Because there is some controversy over the apparent "15kHz filt" at the end of each track of Beatles For Sale (and only for that album) and because we don't know if those are the original EQ notes or Berkowitz's, I have emailed him for clarification. I also now post here another photo of his EQ notes for two other albums where there are no such "15k filt" notes just to point out how ridiculous and inflammatory some posters can be.
This ongoing process took the good part of a year, with Berkowitz flying back and forth between New York and London. Finally it was time to cut lacquers, have them plated and pressed at Optimal and audition test pressings.
My visit was timed for near the end of the process, which worked out well for me since I was going to be in Munich anyway and I’d get to hear a double LP cut!
But First, A Visit to Studio Two
Walking into Abbey Road was a thrill, you can be sure. I was about to be ushered upstairs to where the mastering suites are located when I was told that the band that had booked Studio Two was going to be late so I could go in. So there it was, just as we’ve all seen in the photos. I started to walk in and got as far as being able to turn around and see those now iconic steps leading up to the control room. I took a deep breath and the musty air filled my lungs (the room is built over a swamp).
(The Beatles & George Martin—Jan 1967© Apple Corps Ltd.)
As I breathed in, fifty plus years of Beatles history as soundtrack to my life followed accompanied by “A Day In the Life”’s ending crescendo. It became too much! Here was my opportunity to walk around the room and see and feel it from every angle as “The Boys” did. I could have stood where they stood in various places throughout the room. We’ve all seen the pictures, but I couldn’t move! It was like a bad dream. I was overcome. And then when I figured I could move, I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to visit the mundane reality that it was just a room. It was better to leave much of it to the imagination. After all, I’d gotten inside when originally I was not going to be able to, so that was good enough. I stepped partially inside, looked around and then exited wobbly.
No pictures were allowed in Studio Two at that time so the best I can do is show you a view of the roof from Magee’s mastering suite:
Before going upstairs we went downstairs to visit Lester, the keeper of the microphones. I wasn’t allowed to record sound but Lester was every bit the character he appears to be in the photo. He showed me John’s favorite microphone.
After a quick tour of Sean’s mastering room we left for lunch with George Martin’s son Giles who did such a great job remixing tracks for the Cirque de Soleil “Love” show still playing in Las Vegas at The Mirage. No Beatles fan should miss it. Giles told me he mixed to analog tape, which of course was a more difficult route, but yielded better sound.
Then it was back to Sean’s room for the main event: The Beatles playback and four lacquer cuts. With all of the hard work listening out of the way, the tapes were put up on the A80 one side at a time, the EQ controls were set according to Berkowitz’s extensive notes and the lacquers were cut.
So how did the master tapes sound? Playback levels were not as high as I like for listening pleasure and of my system sounds better (sorry, but true). However, there’s nothing like listening to a master tape especially an iconic Beatles album master tape!
A few months later Berkowitz and mastering engineer Greg Calbi visited with a few sides of a The Beatles test pressing that we compared to an original UK Apple “top loader”. So how did it sound? That will have to wait for a full review of the box set because I have no idea if that test pressing “made the grade” but judging by what I heard that evening “A splendid time is guaranteed for all!”.
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I never thought they would go the analogue route. I only hope they do the jackets right and that optimal does not screw things up. Should we be nervous about about optimal? Can someone please educate me on their pressing quality. All I know is that the stereo box set pressings were awful and the jackets were sub par. Typical Rainbow quality control.

I am quite happy with my Stereo Beatles box set pressed by them. Quiet and flat. There is no comparison to the Rainbo pressings. My SP from the Optimal box is the best I have ever heard. Maybe until this mono version? I hadn't compared the jackets with the Rainbo pressings (I am not sure they are any different). I had issues with 2 of the Rainbo box sets. Optimal pressed the McCartney New album as well. No issues with that pressing either.

Sorry, for the wrong information. New was pressed by GZ vinyl, I believe in the Czech Republic?

They also pressed the BBC Beatles reissues recently. Very good overall, but hard to tell since the sound quality varies so much, my copies did require a thorough cleaning. Maybe only the 1st one was a reissue? Nice sleeves and packaging overall.

By far the best book on recording the Beatles is "Here, There and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of the Beatles" by Geoff Emerick and Howard Massey.

I can definitely second that, definitely the best news I've heard all year.

A real shame they didn't do the stereo vinyl the same way. And it also means no "Abbey Road" or "Let it Be" in AAA vinyl

some of us are tapped out. After a couple Japanese series and the recent box set I won't hold my breath. Plus do we really need an industry where Chad Kassem is some sort of savior?

The mono you take, is equal to the love you make"
Wonderful news!!

...for $409.26! A lot of money, but exactly what I've been waiting for, so order placed! Had previously purchased the stereo CD box, and then bought and returned the US-pressed stereo box set due to quality issues. Hopefully, with all of mono box sets are coming from Germany, this won't be a problem.

... for $374.98 US and you get a Beatles vinyl long play 33 1/3 RPM T-shirt. But note, they charge your card at checkout and no, you can't play the shirt.

My local record shop owner will not be pleased that I won't be purchasing anything over the course of the next three months as I save up!
Hopefully, this release is a harbinger of analog remasters to come. It sounds like they realized their error and corrected things this time around. Thanks internets! "Power to the People"

I think it's just crap that The Beatles get the analog treatment in mono but not stereo! I for one cannot stand mono! I don't care if The Beatles were involved in the mono mixes I like the stereo versions much better! Mono just does not sound right to me. Everything is jumbled up on top of one another. Does not sound as engaging to me! I know the early Beatles albums are panned hard right and left, but I would rather listen to that than mono!
I'm sure I'll get a lot of nasty comments about my statement i.e. that I don't know what I'm talking about or my system must not be up to snuff! Bah! My system is just fine! I never liked mono in any artist catalog. I think this is just another way for the record company to make money again by saying the mono masters are cut to vinyl in all analog! Why couldn't we have the stereo versions in the same way? I for one will not be laying my money out again!

I totally agree with you on the part about them screwing up by not doing the stereos analog, but... Save your pennies and buy original stereo LPs from the 60s. Just try to get one every couple of months on ebay. My friend and I compared my 1968 numbered top loader UK White Album Stereo (I paid about $80 including shipping from the UK) to his pristine new White Album remaster on his extremely nice system. The new one sounded like they had taken the air out of the room while my old UK stereo sounded like The Beatles were in the room with us. My next one is Abbey Road so don't go bidding against me, lol. As for the part about not liking the mono, I guess that's your prerogative, but mono has always felt like the more authentic sounding way to listen to The Beatles.

No brickbats from me luvvinyl, I agree with you completely. I once nearly got to the checkout before I noticed the Sundazed reissue I was about to buy was mono.
I was born just a few years before the stereo era and for recordings made in the former era we have no choice but have otherwise never bought a mono record. I've got a two channel system and unless there is no alternative don't like loading it with recordings not designed for it.
It confirmed to me that the industry had lost the plot when mono cartridges began to be made again, some pundits insisted we could only hear our mono records properly if we used one. This just made me more reluctant to listen to mono.
The naive presentation of early stereo pop albums like the Beatles is to my ears at one with the innocence of the music and part of the charm.
However as someone who was disappointed with the Beatles stereo reissues I will make an exception and try one of the mono set. Just don't put off having your next meal till I buy a mono cartridge!
Linn Sondek Klimax (inc. Kandid), Naim Superline and Supercap.

I have no complaints about your personal preferences. Why would I? They're your preferences. But for Christ's sake ease up on the exclamation points.

Mono was fine in the old days of AM radio and stereo records were more expensive back then, so we didn't buy them. But I never liked Sgt. Peppers album until about a year later a friend of mine played it for me in stereo and I was amazed.
George Harrison didn't understand what stereo was for. Anyone with two ears should know.

That's What I want, That's What I want, That's What I want!

Mike, I really had to wipe away tears as you described walking into Studio 2. My God, I realize that it's just a room, but then again, no. It's more. Way more. If I were there that day, I'm sure I would have been overwhelmed with emotion, just knowing where I stood and what took place there. Thank you so much for sharing. And by the way, I've got a great mono CD box I'd like to sell you.

I will be getting these.
LPs done from the original masters, done with TLC.
It's a no-brainer.
Very, very cool, people read and took note of comments and feedback. And on Analogplanet. Very cool.
I agree with the Abbey Road comments, I have a UK first pressing and it's the best of the half dozen I own.
With both the White Album and Sargeant Pepper, the mono first pressing to me sounds better than the stereo. With both I have multiple stereos, but it's the mono that gets played :-)

I've always been curious if the Beatles songs in "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" movies were in stereo in the theaters when originally shown? If so, were the songs mixed for the theaters and do the soundtrack versions match?

I don't own any Beatles vinyl now, but I'll be getting the box. What versions of the stereo-only albums are worth getting for a reasonable price? Reasonable meaning "not much more for each record than they'll cost in the box."

Apart from the albums that were stereo only, I think that the stereo versions of Beatles for Sale, Magical Mystery Tour, and the White Album are essential.

I have a UK original of Abbey Road that I picked up of the 'bay years ago for $30. Yes, it does sound damn good.

Thanks Mikey. Do you know anything about EAS-50042? I've seen it on eBay and Discogs. Curious if it's the same mastering reissued under a new catalog number, or a similarly good release, or what.

How much would using a mono cartridge benefit the listening experience on this set?

The main benefit of mono cartridges are that the stylus are designed for tracking in mono grooves (typically a larger stylus tip), also if your amp doesn't have a mono mode the benefit is enormous, much fuller sound

So there really is a "hill and dale" aspect to stereo vinyl reproduction?

In 2011, while I was visiting London and attending the Beatles tour, Richard Porter mentioned that Apple was working on vinyl releases of the new Beatles remasters. I waited, waited....and waited. I was disappointed with the new stereo vinyl release and lack of new mono vinyl . Happy that the mono reissue is here and done the right way! Already ordered :)

As usual interesting article Mr Fremer but why hell these greedy labels have been waiting for 50 years to do so ? Why couldń´t we get this in 80's instead of these digitally Martin mastered crappy music, hate this business.What about these thousand dollars MOFI LPs ? Same with LED ZEP to expect ? Come on, look what´s been done with Hendrix, Doors etc.They are just laughing at us, guided by marketing assholes.Bad times, sad times, definitly...think it is last industry breath before it dies, last effort to grab music lovers money, others are listening to MP3s and they are so many around...tapes are dying, our musical patrimony too.thanks anyway Mickael !

Amazon Canada has just posted this set for order today at $624.00, even with the added exchange rate the US price would only bring that to about $450. Who are they trying to kid?

It's almost beyond belief that Apple and Universal have seen sense and done this properly. I really thought they didn't care after the way they went about the Stereo reissues. Glad Sean was allowed to do a proper job after having to justify the way he had to cut the Stereos. I don't see any reason now for Abbey road to at least do Audiophile stereo editions at least for the remaining stereo only titles, Would also like to see the original stereo mix's of Help and Rubber Soul done this way. Add to that Revolver, White Album Pepper etc etc etc. I don't see a third party being allowed to do this as I can't see anyone being able to insure the tapes to leave Abbey Road again.

If you look at their EQ notes you'll notice all the tracks on For Sale have been EQ'd -1-3dB(!) at 12.8k.
And if you're buying these records because they're all analog and contain all the ultrasonic information audiophiles crave, don't look at the 15kHz brick wall filter he has on ALL the tracks.

Your picture is labeled, "Berkowitz’s EQ notes for Help! and Beatles For Sale." To the far right, there is "15 filt." labeled for each track. "15 filt." in the team's mastering notes means a 15kHz low pass filter was applied. In your expert opinion as a mastering engineer, what else could it mean?
Like I said, this is equivalent to a 30k sample rate.
*Most* common vinyl releases are cut with a 20k filter in place (most audiophiles don't know this). Cutter heads don't like excess HF information. Why take the chance of burning out your expensive cutter head?

You are correct. Many cutting systems have HF compression in place by default. Low frequency limiting is often in place as well, especially if side time and or overall trackability is a concern. Too much HF or LF information and poof, goodbye cutterhead. Only way to cut extreme HF or LF content is to lower the RMS level which results in decreased signal to noise ratio. If you want to cut a hot side that can actually be played, extreme HF and LF content has to go.

Mr. Fremer, for your information, shortcirciut, the reader your very harsh response was written to, is a much respected audio engineer. Calling him clueless and questioning his expertise shows how truly lacking your knowledge in professional audio is.

...check out any new release with the inscription "NRP" on the vinyl. NRP is Nashville Record Productions, and their mastering is *very* mediocre with all kinds of limiting and low/high frequency cutoff. Sadly, many new music releases from the major label are mastered there. Their engineers are clearly going by the book because all their mastering sounds the same. I suspect they are somehow tied in to United Record Pressing, because every single NRP release has the "U" also. Mediocre mastering and pressing in one convenient stop for most major labels.
If you want to hear great new mastering with lots of detail, low and high end, and none of the second rate 'by the book' described above, check out Lorde's "Pure Heroine" (Sterling Sound/Ray Janos mastered) or the new Beck's "Morning Phase" (mastered by Bernie Grundman, with TONS of low end info even in the inner grooves!). Broken Bells "After the Disco" (Chris Bellman mastered) also sounds fantastic and I would almost bet it was mastered from an analog source.
Brick filters have not been applied to LP mastering, as far as I know. Frequencies may be attenuated, but not 'bricked' (there is a HUGE difference between the two). Brick filters were/are used on CD's at 20KHz, which is one of many reasons why most sound so boring.

Hello Sir,
Wes Garland Nashville Record Productions,
There are occasions where, We are somewhat constrained in what we do by the the individual in charge of test pressing approval at the record label...
They're most likely not using turntables like mine or yours..
I use a Lyra Kleos cart at home and it's an amazing tracer...
One thing to also mention here...
Most of the stuff We get, are pre-mastered digital files that are approved already, and so We don't tamper with it in any way if sonics have already been approved,
unless.... The client has playback issues, usually with sibilance tracking distortion...
There are times We are forced to make compromises that We don't like.. Every once in a while We can talk them out of a compromise...
We'll get this response a lot, after telling them it plays clean on our Shure v15 cart at the studio... "Well, it should sound good on all players"... As you know that's impossible...
A lot of the people that approve the test pressings are young people with not a whole lot of vinyl experience..
Keep in mind....
We do a lot of analog projects for Third Man Records... Jack White sends us analog master tapes 99% of the time...
His last two LP's were AAA,(Bob Ludwig premastered to 1" analog tape) and sent it to us to cut....
We do the live direct to disc cutting at third man as well...
If ya can, check out "Mudhoney Live at Third Man Records" LP...
Cut Direct to disc in front of a live audience...
There are other direct to disc releases like Jack Johnson, The Shins, etc...

Firs of all, it is great to see that you are on
I imagine it must be frustrating to have to master from digital sources that sound like they were prepared for CD/MP3 and simply handed over to you to cut on vinyl.
Furthermore, I can't believe that record execs listen to test pressings on poor turntables/cartridges and then put you in a position to have to recut to taylor to mediocre/poor turntables.
I guess this has been going on since the 60's, however (RCA's 1812 Overture, also stories about Atlantic's Ahmet Ertegun basing releases on how they played on his daughter's turntable).
I do have the first Jack White album (about to get the 2nd), and you did a great job mastering that one. I also have the Shins and Kills direct to disc releases. They sound good but there is a buzz on the Shins release (I understand this was the first live direct to disc, so tech bugs could probably not be worked out on the fly).
I have noticed a positive difference in new releases where the vinyl is cut at the same studio the project was also mastered at (particularly with Sterling Sound cuts). Maybe they create a separate vinyl master without the attributes/compromises of a master made for CD's? Perhaps your clients are just trying to save money and giving you the CD mastered files to cut from?
Thanks again,

The problem is some of the guys that approve the test pressings, listen on headphones, which can complicate things further... Surface noise and playback distortion becomes even more noticeable..
So it can be tricky to steer them away from compromising the top end, cutting at lower levels, etc...

continues. I am not an audio guy but the topic is fascinating. Plus I see several dotted "I's" in the photo that makes it look like filt.

with the people involved did you get this clarified? I am interested because both Beatles for Sale and Help! were my least favorite sounding of the Of the mono's on both CD and LP.. I am curious also because of the conversation on B4S further down.

Aren't those mastering notes the old notes from the sixties? Judging by N.S. (Norman Smith?) initials etc.

If you look at their EQ notes you'll notice all the tracks on For Sale have been EQ'd -1-3dB(!) at 12.8k.
And if you're buying these records because they're all analog and contain all the ultrasonic information audiophiles crave, don't look at the 15kHz brick wall filter he has on ALL the tracks. That would make them the equivalent of having a 30kHz sampling rate. Heh...

Appreciate the time you took to serve us the details, making the whole experience of this upcoming reissue so much richer. Hip, Hip Hooray for Michael.

I've had an unexplainable feeling all year, whenever I thought about the mono release, that they would use the tapes directly. Intuition, the delay, or just the fact that Sean joined the group, so it was clear that eyes were turned to our concerns. I think we all deserve credit, and I mean those who spoke and those who listened, and especially Micheal, for creating a single space to educate, advocate and to engage all sides of the music experience. That a genuine effort was put forth is clear from the pride of ownership that I see on the faces of Berkowitz and Magee. Splendid.
I do have to say that although a Mono set has provided an opportunity to issue a more genuine Beatles experience, I don't have to point out that at least the last two and possibly three album were not originally intended to be heard in mono. So although this is a enormous step foreword, I think being tied to the idea of a total mono set is misguided. Why not call this The Original Beatles Experience Box and proceed from there ?
Again thanks, Micheal and everyone.

I don't claim to know, but I thought at some point they started to record and or mix with intention of a stereo record. Really, I can't keep all this straight in my head. It's a relatively new interest to me. Excuse me if I erred. My sense was that there was artificial stereo and later at some point genuine stereo.

Thanks for that clarification. I understand about the "stems" created by having to layer live recording on to existing mixes in order to create more complex compositions and free up new space on a limited track tape. So the stereo mixes that are clumps of stereo can't be viewed as illegitimate because some? were contemparily released, with the mono? Or some were released later ? So all versions become in some way legit because of precedence and what we are used to hearing.
But do you have an opinion on which albums or any, were intended for stereo release ? I thought that Let It Be, Abbey Road, and possibly The Beatles were, or could arguably be (and I reveal my lack of familiarity with their sound staging) mixed for a more modern stereo sensibility, with more discrete separation of elements. I don't have the big book in front of me, I've forgotten at what point the more advanced tape heads made their way into the studio on which albums, but this variation makes these questions more open for opinion, but do you have an opinion beyond Rubber Soul ? I ask this because although I'm very excited about the mono release, I really appreciate stereo, of course, "where it works". Where do you think it works. Does it makes sence to have a mono Abbey Road? Not that there is any reason not to have a mono AR. But If you were "calling the shots" and say, decided that more new pure analoge records were desirable, which ones would you release, as singles in stereo and which would you keep as mono ? I hope that is not to large a question ?

If you don't like that question, then can you bite on this. - if at some future date an AAA stereo set is put on the table, what changes might one want to see. I don't mean to shift the subject to stereo, I'm just trying to better understand the whole thing. Or leave things pretty much as they were on the original stereo records ? Or perhaps you could just recommend a good book on the subject of Beatles releases. -thanks

Ideally for ME, they would sound as if you had just brought one back in a time machine from 1966 (Revolver)... Or as if they had just found a bunch of old new stock in mint condition and decided to sell them.

On order. This should quell my curiosity until the mono's arrive, and keep me from posting and pestering you with naive and open-ended questions. - I appreciate the recommendation.
Its cheaper to order direct from the publisher- Curvebender Publishing

I bought the Brazilian Let It Be for the heck of it when I bought all the UK Monos several years ago. I like it even though its a fold down.

I think he means that those two albums were released in stereo alone, so were never meant to be heard in mono.

OK, now I finally noticed that Let it be and Abbey Road aren't included. Hello! That makes a lot more sense. And I was confused about the mono status of The Beatles. Unfortunately, that means of course that we won't be getting any AAA of those two, at least not right away.

Oh, I do hope special attention is paid to quality control at Optimal. On the stereo set I had to combine two sets and return one to achieve one complete more or less flat set of pressings. I bring this up now because it appears that the Euro sets for Led Zep were pressed there with further reports of problems. How can this continue ?

Great scoop, Mikey, but Abbey Road out in England two weeks before the US? First the White Album and now this- your memory is fading, my friend. I picked up the British one at NE Music City on Friday, September 26, the day it was released in England, or the next day.; It was out in the US the following Wednesday (October 1). My exclusive in BU's Myles Standish Hall lasted the weekend. Honest.

The Ortofon 2M is not available in mono (there is a separate 2M Mono available), so it sounds like they made the mastering comparisons playing mono LP's cutter with a mono cutter head in the 60's with a stereo cartridge? I imagine they picked up lots of unnecessary surface noise.
Were the reissues cut with a true mono cutter head or with a stereo cutter head being fed the same mono signal to the left/right channels?
When these releases come out, should they be played with a traditional 45/45 degree stereo cartridge or a mono cartridge (I have the Soundsmith Otello in mono)?

it seems strange that the engineers wouldn't use mono equipment for cutting this set. It's MORE strange that they didn't listen back to the music with a mono needle. The 2M Black is great but how do we know that our mono needles will give us even better results if they didn't try it first?

The *Ortofon 2M Black* is not available in mono.....

I don't have a mono cartridge and probably will never buy one. So, would I be wasting my money buying the mono LP's?

I think this would be very interesting to hear these in mono. Many of the Beatles albums have locals only out of the left or right, vs the more mainstream centered vocals and the instruments spread across the stage. I think it will be cool to hear the mono version.

I'm sorry but I can't help but get a chuckle out of the powers that be at EMI/Universal and probably the Beatles camp themselves.
From their track record you would think they entered the business yesterday. Lemme See, 1987 Beatles Cd's.....Ooops!
2012 Stereo Vinyl Reissues....Ooops!
Well at least they got it right. I guess I have to applaud them on this one, but oh wait their not out yet. Why is it that the consumer always pays the price, over and over again?
All I know is I'm glad I don't whip out my credit card every time these guys release something. Lol

Did Mofi use these same master tapes or did they use the copies that Capitol had for the original american releases?

MIkey - are they using the originals for these titles?
Thanks for all you effort on this!

I would like to add that I found a first press UK Abbey Road at a local record shop for $20, maybe less. Sometimes, the stores don't know what gems are in their collections. At the same store, I once scored a Robert Ludwig Led Zeppelin II...ten bucks. Such finds are uncommon, but always exciting and fun. Much of the fun in collecting LPs lies in a successful hunt. Also, this is why it's always important to check the deadwax on any vintage records. You might find a rare gem in a forgotten pile of old records, foolishly ignored by everyone else. Great finds are out there, free from the grip of Ebay greed.
And, yes, the first press UK Abbey Road sounds wonderful, better than any other version I've heard. I was especially impressed at how the hidden track ("The End") begins later than other versions. It's a good surprise that reminds me of '90s CDs.

Reading how they took your constructive criticism over the stereo lps to heart and decided to go all out with a AAA mono lp release, all I have to say is Thank You Michael! This is the best thing you have done for music lovers since you straightened out the needle on Brian Wilson's record player. My box set is ordered and now it's time for that dedicated mono cartridge,

Realistically, I only want/need 4-5 of these albums, so the box seems kind of frivolous. Still, at <$340 (10% sale at Music Direct), it is really tempting as something of a piece of art. Do these sets tend to hold value well over time? It may be sort of a cool thing for my son to inherit a few years down the road as well.
Michael, do you have any idea how many of these sets- or individual albums- will be made?
Thanks so much for all you do, Michael.

I just placed my pre-order without hesitation. Just as I did for the stereo box, even though I have most of the original UK stereo pressings. Why? Because it's the phuking Beatles, people! Yes, I really enjoyed some of the stereo pressings from the stereo box. No, Rubber Soul wasn't one of them. It's been the holy grail for me in Beatles reacord collecting. I've bought several mono UK originals that were in horrible condition compared to what was claimed and returned them all. So I finally gave up. Now this box will give me that, plus mono versions of Sgt. Pepper and The White Album. AND via AAA process. So you won't hear any whining from me. If you get a poorly pressed record, send it back. I have found the customer service at the well known online retailers to be excellent in that regard. Come on September!

One of your best postings, Mike, sort of like a mystery story, the detective enters the inner sanctum to search out the solution. You seem to have been somewhat influential in their decision to go this route too. I'm still a bit confused about how they created the mono CDs though: my understanding (and correct me if I'm wrong) is that no EQ was used in the digital versions. Is that why they sound so flat and muddy to my ears, because the original EQ settings used on the first vinyl pressings were ignored? It's a minority opinion, but I've always preferred The Beatles in stereo, especially their later work, after all, back in the day, Sgt. Pepper was known as a headphones album. Then there's the story that the Ramones sound was influenced by the wide stereo instrumental and vocal divides on the early Beatles albums, which I learned from the liner notes of the Rhino CD issue of the brothers' first album. But, if these mono pressings fulfill their promise, I'm willing to change my opinion--mono cartridge or not.

At least for the US versions, according to Greg Calbi, who was the "mastering engineer":
TA: So here’s the million-dollar
question: For the U.S. Beatles
project, did you use the highresolution
tracks that were used
in 2009 for the last set of Beatles
remasters, or did you make some
subtle changes?
GC: They aren’t that far off. The
Beatles board had approved the 2009
remasters with the English sequence.
They said if we could enhance the
files without really changing them, we
had their permission to go on. This
was where the WireWorld cable in my
mastering console came in handy: It
saved me by passing a pure signal
through cleanly with no coloration,
allowing me to make subtle changes,
shaving a bit here and a bit there. But
it was important. The bass was not
particularly big on the early albums,
so a bit of bass had to be added, a
little bit of patina—making it the same
but better.

How cool would it have been to have 13 mono DVDs of the this project at 2496? I think that something like this from artists is going to happen before I kick. Each track could have 1a: Orignal ; 1b: the EQd version for each song. In 2014 there is no reason for something like this not to happen with most DVD and BluRay players able to play them already.

Pre-ordered this fabulous box set offering. Thanks for the great piece on this project, it's significance, and your amazing journey!
It seems the studios were slow to embrace digital due to risks with piracy, and just plain going out of their comfort zone, in much the same way that that they have been risk averse in reinvesting in doing these analog project properly. With the success of the Zep reissues and the AAA Beatles, let's hope the studios see this another viable revenue stream and can use the ROI to justify doing these projects to the nines. Best, -Junker

It all sounds great, but I may still take a wait and see approach this time. I pre-ordered the stereo set when it was first announced and was very disappointed in everything except the book and the copy of A Hard Days Night. My copy of Sgt. Pepper was unplayable. What do you know about the pressing pant used this time?

MF's made the case that the mono mixes were the ones the producer and band carefully supervised. Think I recall a PaulMc quote to that effect as well.
I've been lucky enough over time to have a shelf full of Uk Emi individual titles, some yellow/black some black/silver and some orig apple, all Stereo. Know what I do before I play them ? I punch the Mono button on my preamp.
Because to my ear a switched-fold-down to mono sounds way better on a good system than the discombobulated stereo mixes when played stereo.
(Exceptions-- White Album I've never found a Uk pressing that didn't sound anorexic, so I've gone with the Mfsl, which I vary, either stereo or mono-button, for the occasion. Abbey Road sounds better in stereo, as it is in the modern era. Let It Be I listen to an un-phil-spectored 'Naked' lp pressing.)
My point though, is that the earlier half-cooked stereo-fied stereo Beatles catalog sounds ridiculous, if you really listen. Hoping this all-analog Mono set goes some way towards a cure for that problem.

At the left of the tape box is a section for date, operation & initials. I can't make out all the writing, but the last two 'operations' seem to spell 'Japan' & the dates appear to be 1981 & 1986. Might this indicate that this master tape was pulled for the Japanese red vinyl mono series? If so, does anyone know if the 'operation' indicates that lacquers were cut on those dates or were tape copies produced & sent to Japan. The first date looks like 10/68 when the first lacquers might have been cut. I can't make out the second line.
This reissue is a major coup for those of us who want AAA mastering. In the future reissues sourced from digital files may be considered second rate. Now that the Beatles have done it, perhaps the Stones will be compelled (as they always have followed the Beatles) to produce a premium AAA mono box!

How far behind can a Rolling Stones all AAA box set be? With some bonus material.
That would be great! I would get it immediately.
A note to anyone from the organisation who might be reading, use the 1964 Chess stereo mixes, the Decca monos were fold-downs. The original Chess 1964 stereo mixes, done by the Chess studios at their peak are some of the nicest sounding Stones tracks, period.
It would be a shame to fold them down to mono again for a reissue just for the sake of consistency. If there is anyone else who has heard the original stereo on vinyl, on the 1978 French reissues, you'll know what I mean.

Is there any possibility that the lacquers used for the actual pressing stampers were cut from digital transfers?

forever. This is such fantastic news and hats off to Apple for doing it right. I have a few Parlophone 1st pressings, the MoFi box and the Parlophone blue box and I have a feeling this is going to top them all (except maybe my 1st pressing of Revolver). Looking forward to your review.
Thanks for sharing your experience at Abbey Road.

...OH BOY"
Actually it was Monday evening. Was spinning UK Abbey Road while deleting 'junk' emails when came upon MusicD'slast chance Fathers Day special. Now I need more records like Blackburn, Lancashire needed holes & stated to hit delete...doesn't hurt to look got the better of me. Couldn't believe my eyes when the link opened up. "I saw the photograph....", what a rush. Grab my credit card "in seconds flat".

Thanks Mike for more insight into the process that went into this set. It had to be hard for you to keep this under wraps for so long. Touring the studios is a dream of mine, it was fun reading your experience of stepping into Studio 2.

Dear Mr. Fremer, awesome read, thanks! :-)
Do you know or do you have access to information about which original pressings where used as reference for each title, mostly Rubber Soul and Revolver. It is well known that 1st UK pressings were deleted and replaced. For Revolver the actual 1st pressing with the alternate TNK sound better than the -2/-2 with the right TNK mix...and the 1st press Rubber Soul is cut too loud, but do sound a lot more present and full than the 2nd pressings of Rubber Soul. If they did used the 2nd pressings as reference for these titles, did they compensate etc? Thanks!

Thanks, Yes, the original UK Mono lp's :-) The "fault" 1st press Revolver is better sounding than the "corrected" 2nd pressing which is more distorted and muddy. If you want to get it right, use the actual 1st pressing as reference despite the fault.

So glad to hear that Mono Masters will be spread out over a 3LP set. There's just too much information for a double album. The stereo Past Masters LP confirms this after sonic compromises (bass cut for one) were made. Would be nice if they would reissue Past Masters as a 3LP set and cut from stereo ANALOG tapes. Chances are very slim they'll ever do it but, hey I'd buy it.

How did you keeps this story a secret from us? What else are you hiding from us?

As most know, the original UK Beatles For Sale is a terribly compressed album in mono. It is the only album which Steve Hoffman recommends getting in stereo, in spite of the left/right mix, due to its much greater dynamics. I certainly like the mono presentation in terms of the more cohesive presentation of the band, but it IS very compressed in mono.
I'm wondering if the new release will be greatly improved in terms of dynamics, or was the compression in the original mono tapes and be delivered the same way?

That's what's on the master, not just on the original vinyl. The 2009 mono CD proves this.

The compression on the mono version is what the producers and the band approved. It is the way they wanted it to sound. More compression doesn't mean it is going to sound bad especially the compression used back then. It was much less destructive compared to what they can do now. Embrace the compression it's the way it was meant to sound.

The stereo BFS is definitely much more pleasant. Especially if you have that original -1/-1 UK 'tube cut' :)

The stereo is too separated for me to enjoy

Wouldn't the CD Mono box indicate this?

SoundStageDirect has this pre-order priced at $337.00
Free Shipping
They're way cool people.

That was a "pre-order" price. It's possible it has gone up by now. The email from them was dated 6/17 and did say it wass for a limited time.
I guess that's one reason to be on everyone's email list, you get notice of advance sale pricing.

I bought the 'new' Sergeant Pepper's but for the stereo-versions my pristine Dutch BC13 is the best option. I might go for a UK-version, but these prices are stellar. But now there's possibly the best available option (and reasonably affordable) for the mono-versions. Especially the albums from the 'middle period' have much to gain from the more cohesive sound without these strange stereo-choices! And with restored album-art. The reissue of the year for me....

What is all this fuss I hear about Mono? My Mom Emily had this as a teenager and said that it is nothing to mess with.
Frank Litella
PS: Can anyone tell me the make of the turntable, arm & stand posted by YNWaN on January 26, 2014 under "My turntable"? Thank You.

Maybe a change in the recording/mastering info could help. Right now I believe that we have AAA for all analog, ADD for analog master to digital.
What if we went to small "a" for analog at 15ips or less and "A" for 30ips; small "d" for digital master for 24/48 and under and "D" for 24/88.2 or more for digital masters.
We could have "add" analog master at 15ips; digital mastering at 24/48 or less and "d" for the format of CD or less.
We could have "ADD" for an analog master at 30ips, digital mastering at 24/88.2 or more, and "D" for hirez download at 24/88.2 or more or a 24/96 DVD wav file.
We could even have an "ADA" release of a 30ips master tape, a hirez mastering at 24/88.2 or better and a "A" vinyl release.
I would certainly not complain about mastering done at 24/192 of a "A" master tape. For me it would have to be a hirez sale download or a vinyl release. You probably could make a good CD from that, but would not make much sense I wouldn't think. That would be "ADd" .
People are getting more concerned about the original files and the mastering done at what rate? It used to be we just played records and didn't worry about, or know about any of this. Not any more. The 3 letter coding we have now doesn't really tell us much. Maybe they don't want us to know.

Its real frustrating when something that sounds great, gets rejected because of tracking issues...
worse is when you have a committee that has to sign off on a ref or test pressing, and a few may have opposite opinions... The more people in the approval chain, the harder it is, and also the more likely for there to be sonic compromises...

Does anyone know how limited this will be? Do I need to jump on it right away?