On display and in use for the first time at RMAF in the On a Higher Note room was a brand new tone arm designed by the exceptionally talented Frank Schröder (hang around with him for a few minutes and you’re sure to learn something new about tone arm design).
Donald Rumsfeld once famously said "You go to war with the army you have not the army you want". While reissuing Miles Davis' iconic Kind of Blue is hardly as consequential as invading a country, in context of our little musical and sonic world it probably is.
Analog Planet Radio's "Drug" show is now available for downloading here and on WFDU.fm's website archive where it will be available for streaming for two weeks. For those overseas who are having trouble downloading from this site, that might be a better solution.
In his ninety-nine years on this earth Norman C. Pickering has seen and done more than most of us would manage were we lucky enough to live to be a hundred and ninety-nine.
Had enough Beatles? Then don't read this and whine about it. But if you never have enough Beatles, this new 27 song singles collection on DVD, Blu-ray, CD and eventual double LP (the latter two audio only obviously) is for you. You will fall in love all over again.