An international group of analog devotees are in the midst of producing a Sci-Fi film shot on 16MM film, with sound recorded on a Nagra III reel-to-reel deck featuring a music track using analog synthesizers (Moog and Doepfer, a Theramin, etc.).
"Non-fill" refers to a pressing defect that occurs when the molten vinyl does not flow fully to produce a well-formed groove. It occurs most often on a 180g record's outer edge and is caused by the vinyl's beginning to harden prematurely.
Getting a review sample of this unique ultrasonic record cleaning machine took years because apparently the small German manufacturer could not keep up with demand. I’ve heard from a few sources that reliability was not high during those early days but that now that’s been sorted out as has manufacturing capacity.
Hey Mikey- I have a question you might post and answer since it's general interest, I think. In your recent Freewheelin' Bob Dylan review you mentioned the white and black label Stereo 360 records from Columbia, and you mention that the black label indicates Columbia's all-tube cutting chain.
Call me crazy (and you wouldn't be the first!) but when I spend $25 or $50 on a 180 gram reissue, I want to know the source used and who did the cutting, plating and pressing. Don't you? But we don't get that vital information as often as we'd like, do we?
This is the third album from Brooklyn based Clare and the Reasons and its first to be issued on vinyl. Movie, the group's 2007 debut features Van Dyke Parks and Sufjan Stevens to give you an idea of what's going on here.
Starting in 1954 the late veteran DJ William B. Williams hosted a long-running radio show on WNEW-AM called "Make Believe Ballroom" (a name, coincidentally, we also used at summer camp for kids who prematurely wore jock straps before they really had a need to).