Ry is a National treasure.
Meeting By the Potomac: Ry Cooder's "Election Special"
You're not likely to enjoy Ry's left wing love fest if you cheered the results of the first presidential debate, but if you didn't, you'll find some consolation here on tunes like "Mutt Romney Blues," "Guantanamo," (sounds like a song Warren Zevon could have written) and "Going to Tampa" told from the chipper perspective of an eager convention goer ("I'll give all my money if Sarah Palin calls me honey And shakes the peaches on my tree").
Even if you're a political conservative you can appreciate this album as long as you ignore the words and concentrate on Ry's slithery slide playing and his soulful delivery.
On "Cold Cold Feeling" Ry imagines what it might be like being president "If you never been President you don't know how it feels, These stray dog Republicans always snappin' at my heels."
Ry's joined by son Joachim on drums and the two of them take on voter suppression, "state's rights," oil spills, Wall Street, the Treyvon Martin case (obliquely), the unlearned lessons of Vietnam, the assault on reproductive rights and just about every cause sacred to "lefties" young and old. Others should proceed with extreme caution
The sonics are decent as long as you don't expect Jazz, because this is strictly a relatively low budget, affair but done with Ry's usual good audio taste.
Listen to "Kool-Aid"— a song about the people who inexplicably vote against their own self-interest—and you'll hear a powerful song that transcends the election time frame. This album stands both as a historical time capsule and just a damn good time. After the recent debate you may be in need of one. Or you're still savoring the one you just had, in which case this album's probably not for you!
BTW: the packaging is deluxe, the record was pressed at PALLAS and you get the album on a CD. Ry may be singing about the 99 but he's giving you a musical and physical presentation befitting the 1%.
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All of the forays into new fusions of blues and tribal is just... astounding. Water Lily hookin' up with him too...? Whoosh.

Boomers Story- Ry is a national treasure. He also happens to be one of the best living guitarists. HE is a musicians musicians musician. Boomer's Story is one of my fav's but most of his back catalogue is great. Into The Purple Valley, Paradise and Lunch, Chicken Skin Music, and even up to his current stuff. I even like that album he did a few years back about life from the viewpoint of a mouse. A cat and mouse story. Mambo Sinuendo is a great album. Ry has a very musical way of thinking and interpreting music. His ability to play with artists of varying cultures, learn and master their music, rhythms, is remarkable really.
However, us vinylfiles should remember that Ry was one of the first rock, blues artists to be recorded digitally with Bop Till You Drop in 1980. Ok Ry, we can forgive since it likely wasn't your idea anyway and this was your first major label deal so you went along with it.
Ry Cooder, great guitarist, great slide player, good singer I think and I got to see him play live with his one off band, Little Village (Nick Lowe, John Hiatt, Jim Keltner, Ry Cooder-what a band), great show.

Is that a lot of us conservatives have a sense of humor. It comes in handy. 8)

He probably has his money invested in Cuba, waiting for the two brothers to die.
well maybe....

I have to admit, I had never heard of Ry Cooder until I heard "Bop Till You Drop" around 1980 or so,than I was hooked. Picked up all of his back catalog on Lp and loved every one. Since then I've gotten every new release and he's taken me on musicale rides around the world and as lately gave me a recent history lesson of the US of A, (At least his take on it). As for the album under review, it's just what I love about Ry's writing, (not pulling any punches!) and telling it like he see's it. Now as a Canadian perhaps I'm not entitled to comment on your politics, but when the previous bunch in power sneezed, the whole world got sick! Personally I wouldn't let it happen again,but we do seem to have short memories. P.S. I hope Jerome takes me up on my offer to buy his Lps and VPI.

Our politicians are not as smart as your Canadian politicians. We let ours screw us, on both sides of the aisle. You guys knew better and did not allow the banks to give out mortages for practically free.
But we are way too PC , so we allow even the poor people to buy mansions, given human nature you had to know where that would lead, and how it would end.
But like being at a great party, you never want it to end, and you usually pay for it the next day. The next day is here, hopefully Canada will not get stuck in the whirlpool that will drag us all down the drain.

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