Really hope that's a typo because if not that is a total ripoff!
WAX RAX Adds Vertical Model LP-V4 to Its Record Storage Catalog
16 inch shelve depth provides room to pull out and place records horizontally for future listening while 9 inch divisions minimize side to side weight shifts.
The LP-V4 is available in a wide variety of eye-catching anodized aluminum colors. Cost is $6200. Yes, it is expensive but it's for sure ideal for hip loft dwellers. Wax Rax has less expensive horizontal options.
I remarked that the top shelf seems like it is in need of optional "book ends" to provide another row of record storage, though it would be less esthetically pleasing. The designer said that sounded like a "good idea" but maybe he was just indulging me because it surely would detract from the unit's excellent looks.
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Given that their other smaller storage units cost $4200 I am guessing this isn't a typo. I can see the conversation now: "These guys pay like $100k for a record needle...." IKEA has been unwittingly producing the most ubiquitous LP shelving for years now.

A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.

It's not...
For a start it's made in the USA. NOT in China (like ikea)... It's small scale batch production... It's beautifully made and wonderfully designed..
Yes it is expensive.. But justifiably so...
Here is a question. Why don't you try and design a product. Have it engineered. Make a prototype. Invest in an initial production run. Rent a storage space, an office , invest in catalogues, exhibition space... Put your savings on the line and be proud to make the local economy function...
Do you have any idea how much rent costs? How much it costs to rent a laser cutter for an hour?
Come back in 3 years with your pricing and let's restart this conversation...

I was about to respond to the cheapie posts when I read yours. Yes, it is expensive but it truly is wonderfully made by hand, having seen WAXRAX offerings at the show. I admire the enthusiasm of the builder, who seems a passionate and responsible artisan. Given that today's high quality albums cost about $30 each, the unit would hold 700 albums costing $21k.

No need ask Boltz in Arkansas

behind any product needs to include all of the factors you mention (Econ 101) but the basic materials cost doesn't IMO, justify such a high cost. I'll vote with my wallet!

If I designed toilet paper holders for $400 bucks after all the R%D was done, I might stop and think that it might be a bad idea.
But perhaps in places like Dubai, these racks might sell.
Or if your accountant suggested you spend some money to avoid taxes, then they make sense....but hey if I had enough money I would buy a what do I know

I think it is more attractive and useful than the RC-1. I'm a little confused by your stated LP capacity though. For the RC-1 you state 200-250 and you also state 300, both statements appear on your site. For the RC-2 you state 400, but it looks to only hold as many as the RC-1. Which is it? I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I'm actually interested in this product and would like to know how many LPs it actually holds.

If someone enjoys it, needs it and can afford it I prefer them to spend their money on an esoteric item such as this over, lets say ammo and weapons!
We've already seen some good will (non-hunting) on here last month regarding audio donations.
With that said, I can sure use some new LP racks! :)

I admit that I can't afford these, or for that matter, most of the gear at this show,but these are custom made hand built pieces, not clap board made in sweat shops. The fellow operating this business seemed very nice and passionate about what he does.

I can and do spend money like a drunken sailor however even I think this is way overpriced. No offense to the manufacturer but I can get a local craftsman to build me an attractive four shelf storage unit for 1/6 of the cost of this unit. I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but this unit looks not much different that what you find in an document archive department of company.
Please don't pull the it's American made, I can buy an ARC integrated amp, a Conrad Johnson preamp and dozens of other high end components for less than this unit, all of which are American made and which have higher associated design and manufacturing costs.
Let's see I would need about ten of these to hold my collection.
If it's going to cost nearly $9 to store an LP, maybe digital files are the answer.

Price and aesthetics aside, I'd be worried about the way the sheet metal shelf folds down over the frame--looks like it could scrape the top of an LP sleeve (or top of a hand) being removed from the shelf below it. Perhaps the pic is misleading and this isn't a danger.

so ago, at the NYC record fair. It was overbuilt, and I liked the angled shelving designed specifically for records-most standard library-style carts are not as well suited. Pricey, yes. Given the amount of vinyl I have, the only route is custom-built shelving. I suspect this company does custom work as well.
Mike- who said audio reviewers have an easy life?
You do that series of Beatles reviews in a compressed time frame, jump on the unveiling show, and then off to Brooklyn for a hi-fi show. Maybe I'm getting old- this seems like work!

All the info is there for you to determine how many albums it will actually hold. Mike wrote that it as 9" divisions = 3 per shelf x 4 shelves. Count how many lps take up a 9" width x 3 x 4. Done. Geez.

My question was directed at the manufacturer who posted above, not Mike. Also, this has nothing to do with the rack posted above - read the title.

Maybe the website might provide answer to your questions.

The clue to Wax rax reply is that they are getting their parts cut by a laser. This is good for small volumes but not the most cost effective and anything in volume production would be getting stamped out with dedicated tooling. It's probably hard for them to justify dedicated tooling and processes for this type of product and they are likely made in small batches. Still, the price seems overly high and I'm sure they are making a hefty profit. The design part of this is very straight forward and nothing complicated. You could likely go to a custom cabinet maker and get something tailored to your exact needs for less.

Just to clarify an important point. I AM NOT WAXRAX. I know the product, I am a designer and I manufacture furniture.
However I posted recently, to correct a few misconceptions about cost and defend a product (waxrax) that I believe in and would quite possibly purchase.
Before commenting on it's cost. It is fundamental to see it. Touch it and appreciate it's construction. For starters the structure is machined from 1/4'' or 1/5" aluminum panel. (No sheet metal there). The dividers and shelves are also from albeit thinner gauge aluminum sheet. The whole is treated to a beautiful satin smooth anodized finish. The bolts seem custom made. The castors are of premium quality (the $20 each variety) that don't squeak, loose their bearings or mark the parquet flooring.... The finished product is incredibly well executed and impeccably finished..
It is expensive, but it is built to last, which sadly cannot be said for most products today..
I doubt that waxrax is making a massive profit, I would imagine that the one who makes the most from this is the customer who INVESTS in it

The only reason I would post a complaint about the price of the thing is because I want it but can't afford it :) That said I get my current LP racks from Boltz (I am not affiliated with them in any way besides being a customer). Heavy duty, very nicely finished power coated steel construction, made in the US. A 720 LP 4 self unit with casters will run you about $800. You do assemble it yourself but these are very nice shelves. Knowing what I can get from Boltz in the realm of survive-the-apocalypse shelving, it's hard to swallow the price of the Waxrax, however nice the design. But then..I am not their target market.

2 years ago I went to Gothic Furniture around the corner from me and told them I wanted a custom drawer cabinet that would fit 4,000-5,000 cd's. I threw away the jewel cases and put them all in sleeves with their booklets and covers. I picked the finish and designed it to be strong and sturdy especially the drawers and railings so as not to bend with the weight of all the CD's. The thing is solid I wanted to build even higher but was dissuaded by the salesperson at the time of ordering, saying it would be too high and overkill. Nevertheless the cost of this was - if memory serves me correct, around $2,300 but going from memory here so don't quote me. The point is craftsmanship costs, if high quality materials are used and metal has to be bent and formed and if made here in the US the fixed and variable costs are bound to be higher than if the items were made and shipped to us from overseas. Coupled with all these costs is the time and labor cost of the individual making the shelf - the guy has to eat! So No! I wouldn't buy it but don't think the price is way out of line. Some of us have paid that much in Compact Disc players only to use them as paperweights after parts are no longer made so we shouldn't fret over the price at least this thing will outlive most CD players.

Michael most often reviews equipment that remains out of reach for the majority of the readers on - that expensive equipment rarely receives such extremes in response as these WaxRax have. I can't afford these racks either but also know that making one myself would cost me near that same price if made with the same care and quality.
I often make one-off products for myself. I'm putting the finishing touches on a fully adjustable 12" variant of the Well Tempered arm. I was looking at both new and used 12" arm and just wasn't able to justify the cost on my rather limited income. Money I don't have but time I've got. Buying the tools and paying maximum freight for minimum material quantities bring specialized project costs way up. ie: buying a drill and tap set for a few holes in short lengths of brass and a 3/4" d drill bit and the cost of labor to drill a single hole in a brass base, well, it all adds up. Thankfully, in the end, I have a beautiful arm that sounds great. Same with the WaxRax products. Shot run/large build cost.
Okay, now back to WaxRax discussion. I spoke to the builder - these racks are crafted by hand in limited runs and not meant to be affordable for everyone - the rolling cart version is beautiful and has a build quality that's exceptional. The colors are mean't to last - they are not painted to peel and fade. Maybe we can't own one of these, but Jay Z could command a large room full... maybe that's his market- and that's okay. While I can't afford a WaxRax, I'm glad to know such products exists.

The Boltz metal, made in the USA racks go for about $500 for the basic model, which is substantially similar (in function) to the waxrax. I have no idea of the manufacturing costs, but the builder has the right to charge whatever he wants. I just wonder what the actual costs are for manufacturing a $10K phono cartridge or a $5K interconnect. I guess if you think like that, you're in the wrong hobby.

Yep- the maker can charge whatever they want and I don't object. Design is also certainly worth something. I mainly brought up Boltz because of the comment early in the thread that used manufacturing and business costs as the key reason the Wax Rax are so expensive. Given what I know about the quality and manufacturing location of the Boltz products (which many also consider 'too' expensive) something about that reasoning simply didn't smell right.

Wax Rax make your records more detailed when you play them. Where as storing records on Boltz racks add a harsh cold sound to the vinyl. Racks are like innerconnects the more you spend the better the sound.

I did test on both racks and what I have found is the Boltz rack holds a static charge which transfers static to the vinyl. Whereas the Wax Rax are aluminum and do not hold electrical charges and therefore eliminates static build up on the vinyl.

Or so it goes a fool and his money yada yada yada. I'm in the manufacturing buisness and no way this products cost is justifiable at 6200. I had a custom wooden rack built here in Texas using birdseye maple for under 2000 hand made by the Amish now this could have sold easily for 5000 and was a real piece of art. Who buys this stuff?

This is a hobby first and foremost - if you don't like the price - move on! No need to bash the manufacturer and explain how would you do it better, cheaper, faster and more brilliant. Anyway - you would not...Go complain about health insurance costs, med costs, attorney fees etc…If pricing in this industry irritates you - find another hobby or build Birdseye Maple accessories…
Live and Let live!!!

Amen. btw: Go price sheets of metal and bending costs... it takes a huge machine to bend metal sheets - I pay $30 per bend myself. A 4' x 8' shet of 3/16" thick steel is around $285. The shelves are very thick aluminum, not IKEA thin. You don't like it, don't buy it - that's your vote that the maker will hear.

This is a hobby first and foremost - if you don't like the price - move on! - Amen to that!

Please stop bashing the people who are bashing War Rax

I thought my comment was perfectly fine and respectful, yet it appears to have been removed by a moderator for some reason.

What we need in this industry is more people who are willing to take chances and offer new products. Many successful products are designed to provide a good sensory experience at a cost. Both automobiles and audio offer many such examples. Some people choose to offer inexpensive products geared at those who just want to get the job done; VW. And some people choose to offer products to those who feel passionate about the experience; Porsche. Both approaches are valid and both have a place in my life. I applaud the person behind this product. It is very pleasant to look at (at least the photos are). Thanks for showing us a very attractive record shelf and making it available to us.

It not the product in question, it's the questionable extortionate high markup price on the product. Make all the beautiful products we like, but be reasonable(extortion) on the price.
Even if I were rich and could afford these racks I still would not purchase them because they look to industrial and cold (they belong in an office). For that price I could have a nice wood shelving to absorbed sound in my music room.

@kozakjj - nobody is extorting you - it's your free choice whether or not to purchase a product.
You don't know the cost to make to this product - thus you cannot know what the markup is.
So please make your Birdseye wood shelves…and move on…

Actually I do the cost my father job is to design and Build items like this from medals . I can tell you the markup is about 80%.

If the consumer has the means to afford a $250,000 or a $500,000 system, this investment is not out of line, for someone that has invested in fine furniture for their home or audio room. There are audio component racks out there for many times that price, and are aimed for this group. While Boltz products are nice, they don't approach this level of finish. Finish is important to consumers with big money, and it is justified to them.
There are many high-end audio products that enjoy trickle down technology culled from their flagship products. While this may not be one, it could come down in price after the investment has been realized.