Avid Goes It Alone in America: News At High End Munich 2017

Not that many years ago Avid manufactured a very high end spring-suspended turntable and that was all. Today the U.K. based company has expanded its line of turntables and added a full complement of electronics, a speaker, a powered subwoofer and a few new intriguing tonearms including one that's of 3D printed titanium.

Founder Conrad Mas ended the tour by telling me that he'd built a distribution facility in Texas and was in the process of finding an American distributor.

Sorry about the musical interference but this was a hi-fi show after all! Here's hoping the copyright police don't shut down this one!

ravenacustic's picture

I got most of it. That Ref arm is nice looking. I didn't hear if the electronics were tube or SS.

Hope you Re over the jet lag amok because you now have To go to LA.

PAR's picture

Michael, Sometimes things don't work out as we would wish. As far as the sound quality of this interview is concerned then this is one of those occasions. As they would say in the radio industry " not of broadcastable quality". If Mr. Maas wants the publicity of one of your interviews then he should either agree to turn down the music or agree to be interviewed in a quieter area.

To me sounded like:

CM : We are gnftrop bimzim kibke ech nufpos this year, 15,000 pounds,

MF : That's cool.

RandyInMpls's picture

And I love the overbuilt, industrial look of their products. Not that that translates to anything.......