SME Updates Loricraft's Record Cleaning Machines

When SME purchased Garrard it also bought the Loricraft brand of "string type" record cleaning machines. SME then upgraded both models. This video shows how they work and accompany a write-up in the April 2022 issue of Stereophile magazine that will shortly be available on newsstands, mailed to subscribers and available as part of a digital subscription.



Is the new arm made of plastic or metal? Do you have any concerns about using black thread over white? Is the thread dyed?

I have an older model which is much louder. Looks like an impressive machine!

Michael Fremer's picture
I'm going to be visiting SME this coming week and will ask them about the string color. and confirm the arm material.
volvic's picture

Ask them when are they going to reverse their decision and start selling tonearms again. Never agreed with that decision and I am sure quite a few employees at SME weren’t on board either. The Loricraft cleaning machines are brilliant by the way. Would love to have one.


Thanks, Mike! Will you be at the Montreal Audio Show next week?

PaulG's picture

Between the 6i and the 4i, besides the 6i being taller? Apart from the SME tax, what other improvements have been made?

Michael Fremer's picture
It has a more powerful vacuum system and motor. I'll get the full details in person this coming week at SME
rich121's picture

Loricraft lists the 4i pump as 28 liter/minute (noisier) compared to the 6i's 18 liter/minute (less noisy) pump.

rich121's picture

Really like the Loricraft RCM...also love my Keith Monks Gemini dual platter RCM...wish my Gemini had reverse like the Loricraft.

Jim Tavegia's picture

That LP was pretty dirty and the machine did a great job. I seems that bi-directional cleaning is a good idea.

johnnythunder2's picture

Always hated the nitty gritty and VPI machines for being as loud as they are. Seriously had to use ear plugs + Bose headphones to get through the task. This is amazing. Pricey but amazing. Thank you.

Andrew L's picture

What you described in the video as string is better called a thread. String is generally much thicker than thread.
L'Art du Son as I'm sure you know translates as "The art of sound".
I think the new SME Loricraft PRC machines look a far more presentable professional product than the originals which retained something of the homespun about them, although their functionality and effectiveness is much the same as before.

nyrocker's picture

Hi Michael,

I just read your review of the Loricrafts in the 4/22 issue, and was quite taken aback by your ending. I don't have the exact words handy but you said that they were too much work, and you'd "rather stick to CDs and streaming." Did someone hijack your account? Or was it an April Fool's joke haha

Say it ain't so!

liguorid42's picture

If it was April, and Mikey Fremer, that pretty much says it all. I miss the reviews of equipment designed by I. Lirpa that used to run in the late lamented Audio magazine.

vince's picture

A dozen years ago I bought a Loricraft PRC4. I have used it to clean every record in my collection, often while listening to music. It works really well. New records are often noiseless after cleaning. The machine is quiet, well made and still like new. I recommend it highly.

liguorid42's picture

I missed the step where SME Acquired Garrard (as well as ceasing production of tonearms). But the original string record cleaning machines were Keith Monks, no? Were they acquired as well?

kukesai's picture

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