AMG Introduces 9" Version of its Tone Arm

At Munich High End 2013 German manufacturer AMG (Analog Manufaktur Germany) introduced a new 9" version of its innovative tone arm that the company has been packaging with its Viella turntable. You can see cutaways of the arm's innards in the CES 2013 show report.

The arm uses a unique spring-type vertical bearing system, similar to what's used in helicopter rotors. The value in this is that there is no bearing chatter possible since there is no bearing as such. The arm uses a pair of them. Azimuth is set by moving one of them relative to the other.

This arm has a fine watch-like construction that is unlike any other tone arm I've encountered. The new 9" version is shown here on a Linn Sondek turntable. The arm is a "drop-in" option for Linns, Regas and many other turntables.

Sadly, AMG founder Werner Roeschlau passed away last February, but his son Julian, also a mechanical engineer and co-designer of the company's products, has taken over and will continue the company's work.

Look for a review of the AMG Viella in an upcoming Stereophile issue.

eros's picture

oh my...i definitely have to buy that! is that out in the market yet?? i know mr. werner's son will do as good as he did.


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