Designer Pete Riggle Shows Me His Woody Tonearm

Designer Pete Riggle walks me through his $1600 Woody tonearm. On his website he compares it to Joel Durand's $16,500 Telos. When I entered the room Joel was there inspecting Riggle's Woody. That just sounds wrong doesn't it?


Jim Tavegia's picture

I hope he keeps the price there as this might be the tonearm to get many of us really jumping into the relm of improving our turntables. Hope even a short review is coming. These are the kinds of innovators who need support. 

luvvinyl's picture

This is my personal tonearm! If you want a giant slayer, this is it! For $1600 you get the best. Pete Wriggle is an amazing guy and so is his tonearm! I would love Mikey to review this and get this tonearm out there to be recognized as one of the greats!